EFT Coaching Marketing Advice

How To Use Audio Marketing In Your Private Practice To Get More Business And Better Paying Clients

EFT Coaching Marketing Advice Free Interview..."One day, by accident, I stumbled across this site, it totally impacted my life and changed my mind-set about marketing and the Internet completely. " Jim Davis a true disciple of Michael Senoff

Overview :-

Just about every business can benefit from this EFT Coaching Marketing Advice because the potential is practically endless. But unless you know how to do it right, you’re just going to be wasting your time and money.

So in this interview you’ll meet Angela Treat Lyon. Angela is a teacher and practitioner of EFT, a therapeutic healing method known as Emotional Freedom Techniques. 

And in this two-part audio, you’ll hear her interview me so she can give marketing advice to her EFT Coaches.

Angela’s students have prepared very specific questions for me to answer about marketing their EFT businesses. So I let them know how they can easily, quickly and strategically create audio products that will grow their private practices.The EFT Coaching Marketing Advice in Part One is called ..

It’s All About “The Attitude”

It’s important to have confidence when asking for audio interviews. Remember, you’re the one doing them a favor. Even if you don’t feel like you have enough of a “following” to entice the bigger names, there are steps you can take for landing any interview, and in Part One you’ll hear how to do that including:

• How to be the “boss” of the interview – and why you’ll want to set the agenda right off the bat
• How to land the guru interview – techniques and approaches that work
• How EFT Coaching Marketing Advice can help you ask the kinds of questions your listeners want to know – without offending the person you’re interviewing
• Where to find you cheap transcriptions
• How to get sponsors and advertisers
• Ideas to use for packaging your audios for promotion and profit – success-story audios, expert packages, a consumer’s guide, and more• How to know what to charge for your audios

Part Two: The Importance Of Over-Delivering

The key to making money on audios is to over-deliver. If you respect your listener’s time by making your audios interesting and valuable, you’ll be building a lasting relationship with your audience – and that will more than pay off over time. So in Part Two of this interview, you’ll hear ideas on how to add value to your products.

You’ll Also Hear…

• How to get your audios to sound entertaining and professional – but not “staged” or phony
• How to make JV deals that will allow you to market your services to someone else’s list
• How to get qualified prospects to your site
• Why you’ll want to start collecting names and email addresses of the people who visit your site – and what to do with your list
• How to turn your e-book into a high-end product – no matter what it currently sells for
• Guidelines for finding an honest marketer – and some easy ways to check their credibility
• Why you’ll want to “sell results” and how to do that

EFT Coaching Marketing take time and time is one commodity you can’t get back. That’s why my EFT Coaching Marketing Advice will stress on ways you can make more money while spending less time making it. And this interview is no exception. It’s full of ideas that will not only enhance your private practice but also simplify your life. I hope you enjoy this EFT Coaching Marketing Advice Interview.

If you have not heard my other interviews and advice where I am being grilled on marketing, you can hear them now at this link... click here.

Part One:

Part Two:

Audio Transcript :-

Michael: Hello, Angela. That is a loaded question because we can sit here and talk for days on marketing but in essence in my expertise in what I have found to be a time saving system for creating information products is through the try and through good audio interview. And I’ve been interviewing experts for five years and these interviews are just me talking on the phone, asking questions. Many of these questions are already been free written for me and all I am is the guy asking the experts the question. And by this time I ask the experts the question, we records there answers and we create a digital audio interview. And that interview is already been written for you by the Natural Progression of Questions and Answers. And this is how I’ve been able to create many information products by interviewing experts by me not being the expert, and just me being the guy asking the questions and compiling those audio interviews into information products. And this is probably the simplest way for your listeners to create in an audio interview products that they can sell for fast money. And I’m sure by looking in all these wonderful questions I’ve have here in front of me, were be getting into much more details on this.

Angela: So, my other question about this is, “What if I’m not interested in interviews but I do want to take my knowledge and expertise as a trainer and do an audio product. How do I do that?”

Michael: Well, you can do that with very inexpensive equipment, a simple microphone that you can pick up at radio shop or any electronic store. If you have a computer, you can plug that microphone into your computer and there is inexpensive software, and in some cases there is free software where you just click the play button on your software and you start talking in to your microphone. So, if you’re a practitioner and have expertise in one of the creator phone audio products without doing the interview style. Do the monologue or just let them talk all they want into the software and create a digital audio recording. And once it’s done, they can save that as digital .mp3 file or a .wav file. And for all your efforts, don’t get confused because it’s just a file format. No different than a Microsoft word file or a .PDF file, which probably every one knows what that is. But these are just files in audio format .ram. So go and save that file, and if they choose to clean up the monologue or the audio recording that they created, they can do some simple editing the same way they edit the documentary or sending letter to friends before they hit the send button on email. They may want to correct the spelling or take away something that they didn’t mean to say. And they would edit that audio recording and then, once they got that edited, and saved, they now have an audio product. They now have valuable information that they’ve recorded, they taken ideas and maybe case studies, and experience from their expertise and their practice and they’ve canned it and cloned it. They got that expertise into an audio recording which can served them very well and really served them in time by providing that audio information as a free download by creating an information products with those audio recordings. Put them on a CD or have them transcribed in a word for word transcript. They’ve have taken those ideas into their head and your practitioner now has there expertise that can be sold and distributed without them actually having to be there or to deliver it face to face or one on one. Is that making sense?

Angela: That absolutely makes sense and is what I do in my protocol classes.

Michael: The whole goal with audio marketing is leverage your time and take your self out of the picture. And capture yourself in a clone format, i.e. audio recording, word for word transcript, information on a website, so you can deliver your message 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week to anyone in the world who have access to a computer or to can read English. And if they are in other country, you can certainly translate it to there language as well.

Angela: Oh! Absolutely, there is a big call for energy practitioner works in Spanish which I’m presently investigating right now. So, how would I arrange it so once I get an interview with someone, I can sell the interview as a debt of package. You know, I’m thinking of copyright, royalties, others. What do you to arrange that without having to pay them or without violating there rights.

Michael: it’s really simple. All you do is ask for permission. When you see a major interview, let me take for example, Oprah Winfrey. You know, people are not coming on Oprah just for their health, they are coming on to promote a movie, or promote a book, or they may have an alliance with Oprah. You know… like Dr. Phil. There on allowed on there for a reason. So, when you contact someone you want to interview, and you invite them to be interviewed on your radio show or on your website, there doing that interview with you because there’s something in it with for them. And what in it for them is promotion, publicity, and potential consulting work down the road; potential exposure to potential clients that they would never be able to get too. There are a lot of reasons why your guest want to have an interview with you. Now, if you’re just starting out, I’m sure in your head your thinking, “Well, I’m just getting started, I don’t have anything to offer. So, why they want to have an interview with me?” But you’ve be surprise, there would people who would do interview with you just because you ask. There are many people and professions, and expertise, that don’t have a chance to talk about their passion, and what they love, or what they’ve been doing all these years. Not even there significant others, wife or husband will take time to listen. So, just for asking, they maybe are willing to do it just to share that information because you ask. So, don’t let your confidence stop you from asking. Now, what can you offer? You can say, “It is my goal to create the world’s number one website of interviews regarding EFT practitioner’s success stories or it can be whatever you’re trying to create with your information products when you contact that potential interviewee subject. Let them know what are your plans and goals are. You may not be there yet, but he maybe proud to give the first one to be involve with your program. So, all you have to do is ask. I’ve done this before in other interviews. Angela, why is it that were talking today?

Angela: Well, that’s right, I am.

Michael: Asking you shall receive. You will not always get a yes, and I would say if you ask ten people, and you get one person to get yes, you’re doing fantastic and you don’t need to worry about the other nine. Just worry about the one who say’s yes.

Angela: But you know, based from my experience, nine out of ten say yes.

Michael: No… I would like to under promise and over deliver.

Angela: Yah, there’s something you said too that I found very interesting, a while ago, I started inviting people to come on my show with me, and I realize, instead of asking for submission, to do with the material gathered, I said to them, “You know this would be great for you, how about we did it bah… bah…blah…” Instead of saying can I have these to work with? You know, like a little girl asking for permission for something, saying that I will help them to expose them. Make a big difference.

Michael: That’s exactly right. If your show is asking these experts to come in to your show, and they expect you to act like an expert, so you’re telling them what’s going to go down, and here is how I work. And you’re going to set you’re expectations with that interviewee subject. You say, “Well, this is how I handle it. You will going to come on, and we will have an interview, I will going to need you in a high wired phone, no cell phones, no cordless phones, I will going to need one and a half of your time. I don’t want you to have any interruptions on your end. I will record the interview. It is just you and me talking. I will retain all rights to the audio interview. After the interview is done, I will provide you a copy for you to review and to go over. Make sure everything is okay. And then, I will post that interview upon on my radio show, upon in my website and this is all negotiable. Most people will say fine. They will go to look at you as an expert and they will say,” You’re the boss. Let’s do it.” They’re just happy to talk and they know that it’s generally accepted, that when someone does an interview with you, they got to plug they’re book and they got to talk about they’re website, and if they’re pretty savvy, they will going to do that in a way when they answer there questions, so they know what’s in it for them. But you set the criteria, have the confidence, you’re the boss. So, you set the criteria, and the agenda and they will follow.

Angela: Well, absolutely. It’s so wonderful to be able to have that feeling of… I guess that’s just empowerment to say I am going to support you. I will give you exposure on how to do it. It’s really different from, “Can I have a permission to do this.”

Michael: That’s right. You know, I called it the attitude. If you’re doing them the favor, you need to have the attitude. You’re doing them the favor, interviewing them, not the other way around. That’s all comes back with you’re confidence. And so, if you don’t have the confidence, just act like you do, even if you don’t.

Angela: We all need more of that Michael.

Michael: They’re you go.

Angela: Well, Michael, how do you contact people who are tied up in the celebrity scroll, does it take a long time? And what do you say to them?

Michael: I say I can be doing interviews 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They can be very time consuming. So I’m not constantly contacting people. I’ve had a lot of people who contact me who want me to do interviews. When I do interview and in some cases, I will charge the clients, $2,000 just to create a promotional audio interview on this design, or to market their product or service. That is how to contact the people high up on the scrolls. It doesn’t take a long time. I have a letter, that I just copy and paste, and I would email which is an audio invitation. Although I can provide it to you, or if anyone wants send an email to: michael@michaelsenoff.com and in the subject line; send me the invite letter or email me the exact letter that I would sent to anyone that I would want to interview. It has a little bit about me and my bio and expertise, and you can take that modified letter and based on you’re experience, you’re expertise, and just modify it. But it’s just a simple invitation. There’s nothing fancy or magical about it. Simply asking for an interview, there’s something in there that can accept the criteria that could be helpful. That’s the first and best way. There are other ways that I am able to get high end experts, and I kind of have a secret weapon. I’ve got a guy who’s been on my list, who is in the PR business. And you’re EFT practitioners can contact anyone in the PR business, the Pop Actuation business. Now, the PR person’s job is to get their clients media exposure. And if you’re new in the website and marketing, your service, your products, no matter what you’re in or even its EFT. There are PR experts who are working with clients they have in that field. You can simply make contact with the PR experts and explain who you are and ask them if they have any clients who are looking for more media exposures. Because their clients are paying the PR experts thousands of dollars a month for PR experts to get media exposure. So, their desperate to find them. And all the media exposure that they can handle so they can deliver the value to the clients paying money for. And I have developed relationships with the guys in the PR business, who feed me all kind of high end interview prospects. And I go, yup! I’ll do it, set it up for me. He’ll send his client in the email that says, “I secured you an interview with Michael Senoff at hardtofindseminars.com. The world’s number one website for downloadable audio service interviews and they have been notified by him and when I contact them, they’re ready to do the interview and my positioning has been set and my credibility is already there. And that’s another way. Find the PR expert who has clients within you’re field and make contact with them and they will get all the interviews you want with the experts.

Angela: Do you pay him or you pay the other guy?

Michael: His clients are paying him. I don’t pay him anything. I’ve got the attitude. I’m doing him the favor. I’m making him look good through his clients because his providing his clients media exposure.

Angela: When you interview, do you take the position of an investigative reporter, a student or a talk show type of guy? I know what you do, but I suppose, in all this types of interviewing are possible for anybody.

Michael: I think the most important thing when you’re doing an interview with an expert; is just to be normal. And you’ve got to understand, people. On the other hand, there are people listening to your interview. And I would try a mirror the same kind of questions that your audience are who’s listening to your interview want to know. As an investigative reporter, yes, because you want to ask a lot of questions and you want to take this, and you want to ask soft ball, easy questions, you may want to ask to hard questions that your listeners may want to know but would be afraid to ask. You have to have the confidence and the guts to ask that kind of stuff. There is a feel for; you don’t want to go too far away that your offending your expert interviewee in many cases before the interview. I’ll ask, “Is there any thing that you don’t want to talk about?” Or you may have some questions, ideas, that you can present them before you do the initial interview. You sometimes maybe want to submit your interview questions to them before hand for them to ok so they can be prepared. So we can also make a better interview, if you want to interject some gutsy questions in there as long as he or she doesn’t object to them, go for it. So, you want to be an investigative reporter but you most importantly want to please your listeners. You want to be the normal person, asking the questions that your listeners are too afraid to ask. And ask questions they want to know the answers too. And that comes down to research, and there is no secret to this process. The interview format is designed to answers questions that your viewers or listeners want to know. It’s just as simple as that. You’re providing value by being the person to get those answers from the experts. The interview is not about you, it’s about your expert. And you are being the conductor to get the answers from your expert. Your doing your listeners a favor, your doing forms and they don’t have to mess with it.

Angela: Now, what kind of audio can I create with this interview as an interview worker? And what kind of pricing would I start charging for my first heirloom fall seminars? What do you give away first?

Michael: My motto, that I’ve been doing which I found very effective is I just give the information away for free so if you go to my site, hardtofindseminars.com, you got a 150 hours of audio interviews on business experts, marketing experts, copy writing experts, for FREE, and many times people say I’m crazy. Why are you giving these information’s away for free but in the internet world and in the marketing and advertising world, you know, you’re fighting for mind share. In free works, people like free stuffs, as long as it’s good quality free stuff and there is value there. So, my strategy is then to build credibility by giving first. If I can give away a very high-end quality interview, that provides answers to my listeners on the subject. I have positioned myself number one as an interview expert , who’s honest and providing value, where others in my field, may be charging thousands of dollars for the same information I’m giving away free. And I have a chance to be listening also, and to build a relationship with the listener’s. So, by giving it away for free, you get all those benefits there. Once you have a relationship with your listeners, then, you have an opportunity to make an offer to them. That’s strategy; giving it away for free because it works pretty well for me. You don’t always have to do that, I mean, you can create serious of audio interviews with experts in the EFT field and not have a website. But you can do the work, and let say you have five interviews with the top three EFT practitioners. And they talk about how they were able to build they’re business to a six figure business in under eighteen months. And, let say you have 15 questions for each one of your experts and you ask each one of your different experts the same 15 questions and you recorded each one of your interviews and you have them transcribed, and you have them on CD. Any one of your EFT practitioners Angela, would probably find it very valuable to hear five different experts who have built their EFT business to six figures under 18 months. And even though, developing that product, you don’t have to have a website to do that. You can approach each one of those five experts who may have a list of subscribers and that’s a very good chance they have a large list of subscribers. And do a joint venture with them so you can made an offer to each one of these practitioners and say, “Mr. practitioner, we have done a wonderful interview here together and I’m sure you want to introduce my interviews to your customers, your clients and their customers, visitors to your website. Let’s make a deal, I’ve done four additional interviews with other EFT experts on how they were able to their EFT business to six figure business in 18 months. Would you like to offer this product to your list? And we can do a 50-50 deal for every one we sell, you get fifty percent of the profits or at the gross sales, and I get fifty percent. So, you don’t have any website, you’ve done interview with the expert, he got the list, you own and control the product and now you’ve got a product that you can sell doing joint ventures. Or you can partner up to people who have lists of EFT want to be people or EFT practitioners who want to learn the secrets on how to build a six figure EFT practice.

Angela: Yeah. That’s sounds really good. So this is something I’ve been wondering. Were do you get transcripts done without paying a fortune?

Michael: Well, if you’re not aware, you will pay a fortune for transcripts. I have a transcriber who I used for many years and I found her on ELANCE. Elance is a website that is filled with freelance providers so just like you has eBay where you can buy anything and everything, any products you can think of. In Elance, you can buy; you can pay for Elance services, any kind of services you can think of. And you will go to Elance, registering is free. And you would say I need someone to transcribe 10 hours of audio interviews for me. I would do the interview, and I would provide you an mp3 file that you can download, you will transcribe it word for word and you would say your criteria you’re looking for. And you would post your job. You can post it for three days, seven days, five days, ten days and all the people out there who do transcription works would look at your post and would make you an offer and say, “I would do it for this much, and then someone else would say, I’ll do it for this much, so they bidding against each other for your project, instead with an option where the bidding goes up, the bidding goes down. So, the prices get lower and lower. You create a bidding war of freelance providers to want to do your job. And you can pick up some great values for audio transcript. Now, for years, I was paying about $60 dollars an hour for an hour worth of audio transcribe. So if I have a completed, edited audio interview that last an hour, I pay sixty dollars an hour. I choose to stop using this provider because we have a problem, he doesn’t deliver script on time, he referred her to a client of mine that she accepted to do some work for and she drops the ball. And I just say you know what, I’m done with you and I’m going to look for someone else. I went on the Elance, I post in my work request, and I found a guy in India to work for about $25 dollars per hour. So, you can find off shore providers to do audio transcription for as low as 25 dollars an hour. And that’s an incredible value where before I went to Elance, I was pricing transcription services here in the US and I was getting quotes for a hundred dollars an hour worth of audio. A hundred and fifty dollars for an hour worth of audio of audio transcripts, and some people maybe hesitant about using off shore providers and may feel guilty that their money’s going overseas. You know, every dollars save I can put on the table or save for my children’s education, and I’m going to do it. Now, I would say this, in some cases, if you go offshore, there are some inconveniences, the time difference, but with audio transcription, you can handle everything by email. India, while you’re sleeping here in the US, they’re waking up, so I think that is 12 hours difference in time, so works up pretty good. By the time you wake up, you’re works done. And it’s in your inbox. But in India, everyone’s speaking English over there, and they were very capable. Sometimes they may have hard time understanding what you’re saying in the transcript and I would say when you are providing transcript for audio providers or any provider, you want to make sure you are speaking clearly. And that also comes in to have a good quality recording, a good phone line so they can understand what being said. Or you will going to get you’re transcript back with something they would say inaudible, they couldn’t hear it. And that would be all through you’re transcript, you got to figure out what been said through listening by listening with it through your self.

Angela: I would like to go through my transcript anyway just to clear it up and take out all the weird things people say. I have a lot of people start sentences and stop half way through and do completely another sentence. They would say what they’re talking about.

Michael: What do you want to do Angela? Actually, you’re doing a radio show, for your audio interview. You want to do your audio editing first, and you want to send your master after your done editing in an mp3 file. Then, you send the completed cleaned up copy recording to you’re transcriber, that’s already been cleaned up in your editing process. So, if you’re really get serious about doing interview and creating audio product, you got to build a team. Because there’s so little time in a day, you know, after taking care of the kids, or working doing all the things you need to do. I guess my real success is because I rely on reliable people. It’s not just me doing everything; I have a team who does the audio editing. They go through that final editing. I have a team who writes the descriptions on the headlines, I have a team who does the transcriptions. I have a web master who helps me on what I can’t do on my website. You know, you got to build a team. You can build a virtual team by using Elance.

Angela: That’s such a good point, there’s somebody people who think they have to do it all. That’s impossible.

Michael: It is impossible. Absolutely, and it will burn you out. You got to rely to other people by using off shore provider. I mean, they can do it cheaper than you can do it yourself. Because it’s all about you’re time during the day, more time with you’re family, more time on the things you want to do. And if you’re creating audio information products, that’s looks so great. You’ll put a lot of time in developing you’re products, but one’s its done, and one’s its deliver one on one through the internet, on a CD or a paper link form. You’ll duplicate itself and you can sell you’re expertise or you’re products over and over again, and you’ve brought your life back.

Angela: Okay, I want to put a really nice, peaceful introduction into my audios. How would I get people to advertise with me?

Michael: Well, you’ll be getting into the selling of advertising business, when you hear radio shows, we all think of radios that are pack with advertising. You got to have a pretty good exposure because advertisers don’t buy advertisers on your show, you got to show some stuff. You’ve got to have a pretty good listening audience. The number one way is to have ton’s of people listening to your radio. That’s the best way to have advertisers spend money on your radio show. I would suspect that a lot of your listeners don’t have a huge listening audience. Stuff found on the internet, I would say, don’t sell advertising on your show. The only advertising you may want to consider doing is advertising your show, advertising your own products. If you go through some of the recordings on my site, 150 hours, that recording a valuable piece of real state, and you can use every bit of that recording to promote your self. You don’t want to do it to the point that you’re so obnoxious, that you’re irritating your listeners, but just about every one of my audio recordings, I’m advertising stuff. I have a whole set of Michael Senoff that say, “Well, there’s another tip from Michael at hardtofindseminars.com , “If you’re interested in creating your own audio commercial, you may want to check out my site at audiomarketingsecrets.com, I have twelve different promotions and depending on what the interview is all about. If its copy writing, I have a commercial that sells a copywriting course, so if it is audio marketing, I have an audio marketing commercial, if it’s on consulting, I have a commercial. Actually, I’ve been putting a sales letter that I’ve recorded audio 20 minutes long at the end of that audio recording. You’ve got to think about the power of audio; if someone’s listening to an audio. You can fit seventy minutes of audio on a normal CD. So, when your listeners playing that CD, driving to and from work, he listens to your interview, your presentation, he doesn’t automatically stop the CD player. And if he’s driving, after the interview and you pop on, and say “Hey, It’s Michael Senoff and here’s another tip on how to have a promotion, he’ll leave it playing. Great chance of getting that commercial: with that advertisement into the head of your listeners, so I would tell your people that they need to advertise themselves. They need to brag about themselves or make a special offer for free fifteen minutes conversation. You know, for EFT to how to release back pain, or release emotional stress or they can provide tips to their listeners. That would add value to build credibility that would benefit their listener. And then, have a call to action. If you’re interested in this call go to the website or send me an email. So, use your audio interviews to promote and advertise yourself. That would be my advice because unless you have a lot of exposures. I think you will have a hard time. I mean advertisers are paying CPM cost for thousand. And they can go to a local show in a local area and get those costs for dollars. They know what the rate is for advertising.

Angela: I still have another question that I’ve got from somebody. How can I go back getting sponsors from my internet help radio show?

Michael: Sponsors could be advertisers. Or someone who offers there name but doesn’t pay for advertising. The best way of going about this is to ask them and give them a reason why to do that. You want to be a sponsor for my radio show because my radio show goes out to people who are interested in the product or service, people in you’re demographic area. People looking for your product or service, you will get exposure by my radio show because that’s the type of listeners that I have. It only make sense, people advertise with radio because they want new potential customers, new potential business. Now, we did talk a little earlier about how to get expert interviews, if you want to sponsor someone and not charge them for many things but would like to have them as sponsors, that kind of increases your ability. Market to an organization in the EFT coaching business would be really cool. It’s like, Angela you have someone in the EFT sponsoring your show where they would say, “Were proud sponsors of idradio.com, like it’s your name that would be honored to have in their radio show.

Angela: Oh! Yeah

Michael: Then you would have them without paying you anything just because of their credibility.

Angela: That’s true.

Michael: For example?

Angela: Let say, Lindsay Kenny or Roe Hut, I’d be honored if they sponsored my program.

Michael: So, let say you want to approached them. But it’s just you don’t have a listeners show yet, you’d got to be honest with them. Say, “I don’t have it yet but I will and here’s what I’m doing to establish that. Would you be willing to come on as a sponsor?” and you’d be surprise. Sponsors may invest, letting you used their names. Because of the potential of what you can do. So, they buy on your potential. You know, ideal radio may become the world’s number one radio show for people interested in EFT. They don’t have a crystal bowl. They don’t know till you can present potential to them. You just maybe surprise.

Angela: We’ll that’s sounds good. And you know when you prompt up your relationship, (inaudible 29:03) thousands per month. Give you more credibility. But Michael, I want to stop training hours for dollars, how would I save my general EFT practice? Where I see one client a week and reach way more people. She said I’m starting to give tele-classes, and I would say Angela does all her audios and I want to create audios but everyone else making EFT how to, should I target one niche?

Michael: Okay, niche marketing is great. Angela, you and I are talking about these before we take this call. You know, when you’re selling EFT, you’re not selling EFT. You’re selling the results that EFT can bring to your clients. Niche is great! Angela, I think you told me about an idea where you could specifically sell results that EFT can bring to go first.

Angela: Yes, absolutely.

Michael: Or to people who have back pains, or to people who have arthritis. Or people who suffered migraine headaches. All these are specific niches, that when you established yourself as the expert for bringing relief to this problem acts. You can make more correction and establishing yourself as an expert. How would you take your self out of that position when you’re seeing clients all week one on one? We’ve talked a little bit about these and that’s by creating audio. What you could do, imagine asking your clients or setting the criteria and setting the parameters of working with your clients. You can ask them permission or set the criteria and say that our sessions are recorded. The audio where you can video recorded your sessions with actual clients. And then you’re doing that all week anyway, these video presentations are real life videos of you working with clients and picking the one you’ve got the most dramatic results for could be very valuable to other people who have problems in that area and you can package that audio recordings or those videos, get them transcribe, and then you’ve got a valuable information product that you can start selling. So, were doing the work anyway, one on one, face to face, can and coin it and package it, and now you can sell it. Imagine if you establish yourself as an expert to release back pains and golfer, you’re able to meet with ten golfers who have pack pains within the next two weeks. And you’ve set up face to face appointment. You’re allowed to record that consultation or that one on one interaction. And then, you’re able to document and record and show the relief’s that these golfers were able to get through your services, through back pains. You now have something so valuable that you can market to any golfer, anywhere in the world. And by selling, that information, that’s going to take out of the one on one practice.

Angela: I think that’s really awesome. That’s a great idea and I want to repeat what you have set because I think that’s very important, they were not selling it, you were selling the results that we get. So many EFT that I see, talking about their EFT upgrading this, people don’t care. They just want the results.

Michael: That’s right, don’t get hang up on EFT. Sell the benefits. People buy for only one reason, for benefit, the benefit that the EFT is going to bring them. That’s what you’ve got to focus. If your practitioner and you’ve got experience in EFT, then you want to learn how to sell EFT. We will get all your past clients that you’ve worked with, and think back of the stories that come back to you. Maybe the client calls you and said thank you, you know, you’ve really help me this way. You’ve get called this happy previous clients of yours and do audio interviews with them and say, I’m creating a product, I want to try to get out doing more one on one work and I really appreciated if I could call you and do forth recording where I can talk you about the benefits that I brought you through my EFT practice. Many of your clients would be happy to do that. That’s a recorded testimonial. I’m sure your audio acrobat that you’re talking about has a feature where you can send your clients in an eight hundred, and they can call and leave a message on the phone, right?

Angela: Oh, absolutely. Yeah.

Michael: But I think the one on one recorded testimonials most probably effective because you can probably dig in and find to remember some of the challenges that they are having and outlined and really show case the results that you’re being able to bring to them. And if you’re able to package one of this recordings, these little success stories that you had, and let say, were back to the golfers and we brought success to ten golfer clients and you were able to call and interview them. And say, “Hey Angela, you know, you’re playing golf and you’re struggling with back pain. You’ve meet with me and we talk about your story. When did the back pain start? And then, when did we first meet, and after the first session, remember I told you to do this? Did you notice immediate results? Get them to tell the stories, and document it in their own words. And put ten of the powerful case studies together and you have a little selling machine that you’ve created downloadable interview or whether you burn that to the CD, or whether you transcribe those stories to word for word transfer. Perhaps, in the headline of that transcript, you can call it, you know, “consumers guide to a elevating back pain from EFT or whatever.” You call it a special report and you just have to case studies. And so, all of your selling benefits, and you’re selling benefits from real actual case studies that you levered on with real paying clients. That would be powerful, so anyone of your listeners who has success stories and instantly builds a selling machine, a recording, a collection of testimonials by recording and calling and getting your happy customers to devote the case studies and the success that you will be able to bring them.

Angela: I think that’s sounds great. Another thing that you can do that I’m just thinking of is you can take one of those testimonials to start out with it. You know maybe five or ten minute’s testimonials. And then go to a how too in exactly how to get those results.

Michael: Absolutely, that’s value; you can sell anyone in the world, freaking you out, one of that one on one, face to face time straining practice.

Angela: Yeah. But here’s a question that somebody wants to know. How do know what charge for my packages? Where do I start?

Michael: Well, you don’t know. What if someone is willing to pay to levitate client back pain? I mean, can you put a price for that? Can you put price on debilitating back pain? I mean, it’s depends on your niche that your in. the bigger the problem you solve, the more you can charge. I would say that, and I would think about that when you consider doing into to niche if you cause your problem going into a niche. You know, I tell you someone with debilitating back pain would take anything. They just want to get rid of the pain. They’ll do almost anything, any kind of debilitating pain. What is it worth for someone to levitate migraine headaches? You can’t put a price on that. If you can deliver the results, they’ll pay you anything they have. I really believe that. If you can eliminate the risk and deliver on your promise where they were unable to get results from anyone previously, if you can deliver the results and eliminate any financial risk to them, they’ll pay whatever you ask for. Now, I don’t want to be totally ridiculous in price but I’m saying, you can charge a good fee. You may want to charge, you know, $500 if you can deliver the results. You may want to charge $5000 and if you look in any kind of service provider out there, I mean, if you just search back pain and look for the gamut of prices and services, I say the bigger the results, the more the pay. So, there’s no really answer. So now, if you’re not sure, you can try three or four different prices and testing is really important. So, you can run a price spy on your prospects or on your potential customers and see how they react to it. You can get higher prices by offering payments. You know, you can break the payments balance to smallest trunk and have them pay, you know, certain amount every month. Where’s automatically builds on their credit card. And I would also say you can get not only the results that you bring but the information you provide. How good are you as a practitioner? Do you care about your clients? What kinds of service they going to get? Do you keep in touch with them? Are you really there for them? The quality of the service you provide your clients, also determines what you’re able to get. You guarantee, you know, if you’re so confidence that you can bring the results to your EFT services and if you really know and believe you can bring those result, you can offer a lifetime money back guarantee, where for any reason, if your back pain comes back anytime and they want their money back, you can offer that. So, remove the risk, offer payments, offer great guarantee, and you can get some good money for providing a great valuable service.

Angela: That’s sounds good. But here’s a question Michael, if I get well know EFT people guest in my telecast. Can I sell the audios after the class is over? And do I have to pay them?

Michael: It all depends, remember you’re the expert and you will provide the criteria to your guest on how it’s going to go down. So, if you let them know that you’re going to interviewing them, that you’re going to own the rights to the recording and that. In the future, you have the rights to take this audio recordings and maybe package into an information product that you may sell and I need you to okay with that, is that okay Mr. Expert. On the date of your interview, when you’re ready to do the interview with them, you can cover these again while you have the recording on and you can ask that question, and just say, we need to go over some house keeping and I want you to know that you’re going to be recorded, and I have your permission to record you. All these information, the rights belongs to me, and of course, you’ll be able to promote your expertise in audio interview. And down the road, I may create an information product because I may interview some experts and I may package this product and sell this, and you understand that you’re not compensated on this. But you would potentially get exposures that you never had and is that alright with you? And they notice, people notice, especially if they done interviews before. They know, when they get out of it, this exposure that they would never had before. Or if you’re just getting started, they know that if they get out of this, there’s potential exposure that they may or may not get.

Angela: Here’s another one, how would I know what the charge for doing an interview. How would I say that to someone who comes to me for interview, like should I have arranged prices for various lengths? And where would I get intro music for them?

Michael: Well, the intro music is easy. You can search on Google or on yahoo.com, look for royalty free music. Royalty free music, meaning there’s people who’ve compiled CD’s with music that you can edit out of the piece of it. Use it for an introduction to one of your audio interviews or your radio shows or what have you. Now, how would you know the charge for doing an interview? I’m going to ask you. It depends on what type of interview you’re doing. If you’re having a guest in you’re radio show, or if your creating a product, and you’re able to land a very high profile interview with someone very well respected and known in the industry, whatever niche your working in. you don’t want to charge for that interview. They kind of doing you the favor, but you want to do that interview for free because you want they’re big name associated with your product. Give me that example Angela of the person I said you would love to have as sponsor. What’s the name of it one?

Angela: But let just say Lindsay Kenny, she’s one of the EFT masters.

Michael: have you interviewed her?

Angela: oh, yes.

Michael: You have, okay. So you’ve interviewed Lindsay Kenny. Okay, do you have charged her for the interview?

Angela: No.

Michael: Do you love her having on your show?

Angela: Absolutely.

Michael: She’s one of the EFT masters.

Angela: Yeah.

Michael: And by you rubbing folders with her or having her part of you’re radio show. Do you think that kind of elevated your credibility?

Angela: Oh, sure.

Michael: Absolutely. So, that’s the reason you would never charge someone like that. I have people who approached me and who have product and services that they want to sell, and they want me to create an audio interview commercial which is an audio recording design to sell their product and service. And I charge about $2000 dollars for that service.

Angela: What do you include in that $2000?

Michael: In that $2000, I’ll consult with them, I’ll find what product and services, what they want to sell. I’ll do all the research for they’re expertise. And I’ll create all the questions together or I’ll do my own research and present to them all the questions that all going to be ask on the interview. I’ll do the actual interview with it, record it. Do all the editing. I’ll do an introduction for it. I’ll create a headline for it. I’ll have them all transcribe. And I’ll provide them a master that they all have the rights too so they can take that audio recordings, put it up on their website. They can do anything they want with it. They owned it. And I’ll do it from start to concept, to finish audio interview, design whatever they are selling. You know, I’ll charge two grand for something like that. Go to copy writer, ask a good high-end copy writer to create your sells letter and charge you $10,000, $7,000, $5,000 for a good sales letter. My audio interview, it’s a sales letter; it is just in the form of audio. And once it’s transcribed, it really is a sales letter. But it disguise as an interview. So, it’s settle. For more interviews like this, go to hardtofindseminars.com.

Angela: You know the twenty minutes audio that you put at the end of your CD, you know it’s just not an ad to me, to me it was so valuable coz I got to listen to it and you’re all kind of things that you’re doing and you are teaching me not only what to do but how to do the promotion.

Michael: Well that’s what it’s all about. It’s about getting your audio in the head of your prospect. In doing it in a format that he’s accustomed to that’s not foreign to him that they’re not afraid of, that they’re not uncomfortable with, that they’re not used to and it’s subtle. An audio interview were all sold on that thru watching television, thru watching the news, you know, the anchor people out there on location doing interviews, we’ve grown up with it, we know what it is and there’s value in that because we’re all sold on that audio interview. A hard-hitting sales letter, a direct marketing copy written sales letter, most of us out there, really have never been expose to that before unless you’re kind of into the field. An average guy doesn’t know what copy writing is.

Angela: Well that’s true there’s something else to and you’ve mentioned this before on your other audios. The audio format is so easy because you can take it with you in your IPOD or your car whatever, where as videos you have to sit down and watch, a book or an ad, you have to sit down and read, but an audio you can just have it played.

Michael: That’s so true and I interviewed Vic Conant of Nightingale Conant, there the largest information products seller in the world and I talked to him about that, they are primarily audio publishers, they don’t sell much video, much of the video out there that you see, you see a talking head delivering content but they can do their listener a big favor by unlocking that listener or that customer from the screen. You can just have that as an MP3 file. You don’t have to see the guy talking to get the information inside your head. You know with audio, by making it mobile, and let me tell you, I believe five years from now maybe even shorter that devices like our cell phones and MP3 players, these things are going to be virtually free. Everyone that I think in the world would be able to get their hands on an MP3 player or device that plays audio thru the Internet for virtually nothing. I mean you watch the IPods go down in price. Six months ago, the IPOD Shuffle was a hundred dollars, it’s now half that. You know with other players coming in to the market, the storage devices like the USB storage devices that can play Flash and the IPOD, MP3 players, and the cell phone technology, like the IPHONES, the IPHONES are almost like huge hard drives but they also operate as phones. So, the years to come as bandwidth gets more effective, you can be able to stream audio and video thru the air to any place in the world. So, what’s the most valuable thing you want? You want to have content to stream; you want to have audio, audio that allows people to take these mobile devices on the road with them. And video is valuable, there’s no doubt. Video compared to audio will outsell, hands down, if you could get the prospect to watch your video, because they’re integrating your eyes and their ears. But, I believe you have a better chance to get in the information in your prospects head when you give it to him as audio compared to video because you can listen to audio while you’re exercising, while you’re driving, while you’re cleaning the house, while you’re doing something online.

Angela: There are two things that I found are really popular and that is How- To’s and Entertainments and you can make your How To entertaining. So, people just choose to listen to it. Why commute for an hour listening to rock music or whatever when you could be learning how to do something.

Michael: Yeah that’s right and people are learning that now. And with the technology they’re making it available now.

Angela: It’s so easy. That’s a good segue because the next question is how to get my audio to sound professional?

Michael: I’ll tell you what I use and I’m sure I could do a better job of it. I know when I first started; I was doing a really poor job because I didn’t know about a digital recorder. I was using the PC software called Modem Spy which was something you downloaded on your computer and allowed me to do a two-way recording on the phone. Now all my stuff is done via phone. So, I’m using a Sony digital recorder, it’s called the Sony ICD-ST10, I bought this thing four years ago from Circuit City for about a hundred bucks and that little digital recorder takes two triple A batteries and plugs into a device that you get from radio shack, if you go to radioshack.com and in their search field just type in record telephone conversations they have several different little devices that you plug into your digital recorder and then one you plug into the back of the phone and in a while she record a phone call two-ways in to this digital recorder. And I’m pretty happy with the quality of this. You have to keep in mind right now, that the quality of your audio recording, no matter what equipment you use, if you’re doing it by telephone it’s still going to sound like the guys on the telephone on the other end like I can have very high-end equipment on my end but the guy that I’m interviewing on the telephone no matter what, he’s still coming thru a telephone speaker, so, you can’t really improve it that much and I don’t want a big lap sided balance. I don’t want to sound like a broadcast studio but the other guy sounds like he’s on the telephone. I’d rather sound similar, so, it’s more of a match rather than a contrast. Also your quality of your audio right now, I mean our bandwidth is getting better, but, these files are pretty big. When you have an hours worth of audio and you convert it into an MP3 file, it’s a pretty large file and if you went with a wav file which is about ten times bigger, you got to make it real difficult for your listeners to get that file onto their digital devices or download it. You have to present your audio MP3 file in a certain bit rate which makes it manageable to download so they’re not stuck on mind for hours downloading your file. But, as time goes by the internet going to be able to handle these larger bandwidths and you can increase the size of your files, therefore getting a better quality sounding recording and I think that’s all in time but I’m using the Sony digital recorder. There are other things out there that I’m sure are better, there’s a guy out there called Mike Stewart Internet Audio Guy, he’s got all these hi-tech equipment that he sells, it’s pretty expensive. I would look at what he has and then hit the E-bay and compare prices. You may even find it cheaper on E-bay but you’ll learn about it on his site, so, it all depends on which way you want to go. Now, using Skype, using voice over IP, you can get some incredible sounding quality wherein I record in thru a telephone and your recording thru the internet there’s some throw backs to it. The quality is incredible and if you don’t mind doing the editing, there’s the way sometimes though, sometimes your internet will go out. It’s not as reliable as the telephone so, I did play around with it, I got frustrated with that. And you know, I think providing an audio interview thru the phone, tight sound, again, people are used to it. It doesn’t sound like they’re trying to be sold something with this high- end crystal clear production, I know there are some people who appreciate that, but, some people like that just good enough sound. It gives it kind of a raw feeling; I don’t know how to explain it.

Angela: It’s more homey.

Michael: It’s homier, yeah. But it seems people use the phone, they’re used to that sound anyway. They’re used to what it sounds like talking to someone over the phone. So, when you listen to an interview, of me interviewing someone over the phone, it’s a familiar sound. It’s not too far off from what they’re used to.

Angela: I think that’s a really good point. Somebody asked me one time how come (inaudible 7:50) some like they’re broadcast radio. I don’t want them to be. They’re informal, they’re casual, they’re friendly, and why should I make them sound like they came out to where they came studio?

Michael: That’s right. It’s like the car salesman who comes to you in a four- piece suit, trying to sell you a car rather than the salesman who walks up and maybe some casual jeans and a golf shirt. Look, I’m sure I could be doing better on the sound quality department. I’m pretty happy with what I have right now.

Angela: Yeah, I am too. Let me see now, making audios is all fine and dandy but how do I get people to come and listen to them?

Michael: Well, that’s where marketing comes in and we talk a little bit about it. The most efficient way is to find people who already have the list. Don’t spin your life building your own list, that’s one-way, but you can bypass all that by finding an expert who already has a mailing list that he spent his whole life for the last five years or ten years building. And you can approach them to do a joint venture. So, lets say you did an audio interview on how to alleviate back pain using five secret techniques of EFT and you did that interview and then that interview, lets say you interjected a couple of your testimonials from real clients. There’s so many people marketing golf products lets say you approach the guy who sells to the golf market a meditational tape that helps golfers improve their game by listening to this recording and he say you’ve got these twenty thousand customers who have bought your subliminal tapes and prove their golf game, would you like to do a deal? I’m an expert in helping golfers who have back pain alleviate their back pain and you know you’re probably not marketing to your list once they bought the product which is probably true. They buy the products and they never hear from the owner again but this will give the reason to contact your customers again and introduce some to something new who haven’t talk to them in a while anyway, why don’t you send down an e-mail introducing the revolutionary way to eliminate back pain and we can provide this audio interview I did to your customers and if anyone listens to it and buys my product or buys my service I’ll pay you fifty percent. So, the whole idea is you didn’t have to develop that list, that list is already sitting there in this guy’s database. How could you find like that? I mean if you went to E-bay and typed in golf products, E-bay will show you a feedback rating of each seller and that feedback rating will give you a number anywhere zero up to a hundred thousand. If you found a guy selling a golf product and he had a fifty thousand feedback rating, that means he’s got at least fifty thousand customers who have bought from him and E-bay owns PayPal now when you are buying, and transacting business thru PayPal in your PayPal account you can download an excel file of your entire database of everyone who’s bought from you and most people who are E-bay sellers and PayPal users don’t even know this. I can go in to PayPal right now, I have a PayPal account probably for ten years and I can download an entire list of every single transaction that I’ve done over the last ten years in an excel format and with PayPal that includes an E- mail address, first name, last name, mailing address, zip code, so, you have an entire database. So, lets say you found someone selling that golf product on E-bay, you know that he’s got a database of at least fifty thousand people on his list so you can just tap then to this guy’s life work, tap then to tens or maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars of his advertising that he spent over all this year to sell his subliminal golf improvement audios and just say, hey lets do a deal and you can tap in to all that by giving him a piece of the action.

Angela: Wow, that’s awesome. I didn’t know you could do that with PayPal.

Michael: Anyone has got a PayPal account has their entire database in PayPal. And PayPal also has a feedback rating as well. You can go in to PayPal stores, use the pay Pal users to have products and services and segmented by different categories and different services and you could look at their ratings and determine how large their list is and then you can contact them. Another great way if you want to get in touch with the PayPal owner, everyone who has and accepts PayPal there’s one e-mail they always love to see and that’s the one that says, hey pal you’ve got money. You can find someone’s PayPal email address and send them a penny and get their attention. So, you can send as well as a penny to somebody so, Angela like it type in your PayPal email and send you a penny and have a subject line that says, Angela a penny for your thoughts and then I’ve got an idea here that can help you get more customers and it’s a way you could get your email thru and get attention almost a hundred percent of the time.

Angela: That’s simply good.

Michael: You know, only cost you a penny or a good thing a dollar, a dime or whatever.

Angela: Well now Michael we’ve mentioned this before but I’m going to ask you again. Why do you give away so many interviews other than you’d have to make kinds of deals for the people you interview, it seems like you give away the whole house much less the baby in the bath water. What if I don’t have the same ending view that you do, making audio speaker, what should my backend be I’m an EFT practitioner?

Michael: That end is up to you. Your end should be to buy your life back, to buy your time back, and to leverage your time. If you’re selling face to face and your providing a service that’s taking hours out of your day where you have to be there, your goal should be to come up with an idea to automate the sales process or to first develop a product that you can sell that will take you out of that trading time for the hours position. And the best way to do that, you’re already selling an expertise; you’re already doing a good job as a practitioner, you’re already meeting with people by recording it, canning it, and cloning it, you now can take that expertise and sell it to anyone in the world rather than doing that one on one work where you have to do it to make a living to survive. So, your number one goal I feel unless you absolutely love trading time for dollars and you have all the time in the world and it doesn’t mean you have to stop doing that. You can continue to do that but be more selective of who you’re doing that with but have an end game and mind and know that every time you’re doing that you’re creating more value for your product. I wouldn’t be doing this interview with you today Angela if I didn’t know that this interview will be edited, it’ll be cleaned up and it will be part of one of my audio recordings and my audio marketing secrets product and we’ve invested an hour and a half today but I only have to do this once with you and all be able to sell this interview or use it in my package to increase the value of my product forever.

Angela: Yeah, and we both test it. Because we both mentioned each other in place in our businesses, it’s great for both of us.

Michael: Absolutely. We both benefit, we made a deal we’re going to do the interview with each other, you’re going to be able to use it for your radio show, I’m going to be able to use it package it in my audio marketing secrets product or it may just become another great interview up on my website at hardtofindseminars.com and so back to, why do I give away so much? I want to blow my competition away. I want anyone out there who wants to learn about marketing, audio marketing their business, growing their business without advertising, internet marketing, all that complex did I’ve done interviews with. I want to be known as the one place that provides high-end, quality, downloadable, free audio content from the internet as I keep building my website, I’ll tell you I’m sure there’s a lot of people selling the same type of information that I give away for free, they’re trying to sell it for a lot of money and their having a hard time competing with me because some of the stuff I’m giving away for free is better than the stuff they’re selling for a lot of dollars, so, kind of clears out the market place a little bit for me. But here’s the main reason why do I give it away all for free and it goes back to your number one reason why do you want a website in the first place. The real number one reason is to get a name. To get a name and the e-mail address in preferably a mailing address to get the targeted prospect interested in what you have to fill out that form because if you don’t have a name and the e-mail address, you don’t have anyone to market your product when you’re ready to sell it. So, I’m doing it for that reason, getting a name, getting e-mail address, getting a mailing address but at the same time there’s lots of other benefits like building my brand, building credibility, establishing a relationship with my listener and so many other things, it’s a lot of different reasons.

Angela: So, when you give away your interviews and you get the name and email address of the person who signed up for those interviews, what do you do next?

Michael: Well, when someone goes to my website, so, you going to have listeners listening to this right now and after they hear the radio show hopefully they’re going to be pretty interested in what I’ve talked about and they’re going to go to hardtofindseminars.com. And they won’t be able to get in to the site unless they enter their first name or their first and last name and the email address and once they do that there’s a confirmation email that sent to the email address that they entered in the form. Once they click on that confirmation email they’ll be sent another email that gets them in to the site that gets them to where all the hundred and fifty hours of audio interviews are where they can download them or listen to them or play them online okay? That’s the trade off, they get my free stuff, they give me their name, then that name goes into what’s called an auto responder and auto responder is an automatic message delivery system, it delivers email messages to them automatically and I have probably sixty different emails that will go out over the next eighteen months to the person who filled out that form. Now a lot of marketers will just start hustling and selling stuff to that name but I want to use those emails to build credibility. Now, my site its pretty massive, so, what I’m going to do in that auto responder series over the next year is to say, hey Angela here’s another interview that’s on negotiating and you can find it right here. Because my site’s pretty large, I provide a service by telling them and giving them a link, telling them exactly where the interview is, instead of fumbling around the site and getting lost. Throughout that series of interviews, I might say here’s thirty-two hours of audio interviews on copy writing, you know, improving the way you write and really help your web business and I’ve interviewed some of the best experts on the subject and here they are and I’ll give you the link and sure enough they go to the link and sure enough there’s thirty hours of audio interviews on copy writing. I am building value, I am building trust, and I am over delivering to the help, to this person who has entered their name and address so I’m building credibility. So, I’m establishing a relationship with that customer who’s come to my site and hopefully I’ve impressed him and hopefully when I send out a promotion that maybe make some an author on my audio marketing secrets which is my complete course on how to create audio information products, it’s the only course that I positioned my self as the expert. The only thing I sell where I’m positioned as the expert and that’s just based on my experience over the last six years of doing audio interviews and how to take those interviews and turn them into transcripts and create products and how to increase the value of your e-book or your existing products is just everything I know about doing audio interviews and how to make money with that. So, when I offer them a special offer on that where they can try it and that is the actual offer, they can get my entire audio marketing secrets without paying me a dime. My offer is so risk free I’ll give them the entire product; they don’t have to pay me a thing only if they’re happy with it in thirty days do I charge their cards.

Angela: Then I can verify the quality of it, it’s awesome.

Michael: Yeah, I have hours and hours of consultation in there that I’ve done with students who’ve ordered the course and I’ve got more to come than doing a lot of these consultations, because I just did a promotion with it. So, I have another six to seven hours of consultations with people who all have dreams, all have ideas, the one thing they have in common is that they want to leverage your time, they want to buy their lives back and buy their time back and doing what I’ve done has done this for me, it really has.

Angela: Well, another question is right along the line to that is, say I’m an artist and I can’t see how this could benefit me but I’m fascinated please tell me how I could one, can get more traffic of qualified buyers to my site, two, make more sales, and three, use audios for my business.

Michel: Okay, well this artist says that he can’t see how it would benefit them. I would have to ask as an artist are they selling their artwork, yes they’re selling their artwork I could absolutely see how this would benefit them if they’re selling their artwork, you know, selling is selling. I would love to see an interview about that artist how they got influence in art, what makes their art special, who are some of the customers who have bought their art previously, I would interview the heck of that artist and find out everything that I can about them, you know, what makes their art valuable, what inspires them, what type of people like their art, has their art increased in value over time, is art a good investment? You know all those things how art can beautify my house, you know, I would sell the benefits of that artist’s artwork. So, they can use audio to pre-sell into sell their expertise as an artist, number one. How could I number one get more traffic or qualified buyers to my site, make more sales, use audios for my business while make more sales by having an effective selling presentation and in being able to deliver that presentation. The audio thru the internet for virtually free that’s going to get them more sales. They’re going to pre-qualify their customers; they’re going to build the relationship with their potential customers and want to maybe buy their art or who want to buy any type of art, so, that’s going to help them to leverage that to get more sales. How could they use audio for the business? I’m sure that artist has been influenced and has a lot to say about art and what has meant to them well, maybe anyone who buys their art can get a series of five, one hour interviews with other artists or depending on why the persons find art, it could be an interview with an expert on how to invest in art for your future, you know, maybe a financial gang by investing in art. What to look for when buying quality investment arts or you can interview an interior design, how good quality paintings can improve your life by having it in your home, I mean, I’m sure that artist has things that they’re passionate about, that they can find experts to interview and they can post those free on their website and use that as reason to get visitors to their site and then offer to sell the art or then use those interviews to capture an email address and a name to begin to build that relationship with the visitor to the site and then potentially sell your art. A lot of different ways, we talked about a lot of those things already and then there’s more. In the audio marketing secrets product that I offer in my consultations I go over all kinds of ideas that I’m sure this artist can benefit from.

Angela: That artist could probably do five tips to taking care of your sculpture or something like that, something really simple.

Michael: Anything valuable, absolutely.

Angela: So, here’s another question. I listened to Alex Mendosian in Tele- seminar Secrets and he was saying you could make more money by using book chapters and audio formats, it sounds good but my book on energy and EFT only makes a few sales a month online. Will it help to make it into audios and how do I get more traffic that would be interested in the subject and willing to pay not just for the audios and the book but my services too.

Michael: You know everyone knows a book sold for about nineteen bucks, twenty bucks, if it’s an e-book it may sell for even less than that, maybe more. But when you think of a book, people have pre- conceived price of what a book goes for, would you agree?

Angela: Absolutely.

Michael: First of all, you know, most people, I don’t know what’s the statistics is, its really sad, but like, ninety-five of everyone who buys a book never even gets passed the first chapter.

Angela: That is sad.

Michael: It’s absolutely true and there was another stat from Nightingale Conan from the Conan about how most people who buy the audio programs never get pass the first tape and the reason is what’s a book and you talked about it a little bit. People get busy with the book, you need absolute concentration, quiet time, no interruptions, I mean, how many people in today’s hectic life really have that luxury, to sit down and crawl up on the couch, spend two or three hours reading a book? Some people can and then how many people really love to read. Reading is hard compared to listening to audio. What do you think most people like to do? Read or watch TV? TV, you just sit there and watch there’s no effort involve in watching TV or listening to audio. Reading you really got to concentrate, you’re going to make sure you’re in a place where there’s not going to be any interruptions. What I’m getting at, by taking those books chapters and turning them into audio, would you hire someone to read the chapters into a digital recorder and provide that as an audio. You know, there’s a whole new huge website dedicated to the spoken word audio called audible.com. Because peoples’ lives are becoming so busy and so hectic, you’re buying their time back here turning their wasted time maybe commutes to or from work or on mass transportation or while they’re exercising. You’re turning that dead time into productive learning time or time where they could absorb information that otherwise they wouldn’t have time to absorb. So, by providing audio and creating chapters in audio format, you’re providing more value to them, so, people will pay more for that. And there’s higher perceive value when you offer the audio in addition to the book that transcripts to the audio, you can charge more for that. You know I have a saying, the more you talk the more you make and then your book becomes a program, it becomes a home study guide, it becomes a seminar. Seminars sell for a lot more than books. It becomes a home study system, like training, and if you keep adding audio to that, the more good quality audio that provides a value based on the subject to your potential market, the more you can charge them, the more you talk the more you make. My HMA marketing consulting training, which is a home study system that teaches people how to become marketing consultants, sells for five thousand nine hundred and seventy dollars, now I’m going to tell you Angela that entire product started at a twenty-five dollar book.

Angela: Wow! Really?

Michael: Yup. I’m not the expert. The guy’s name is Richard and he’s the marketing expert to use an original Jay Abraham protégé. He started with a book that he wrote and I contacted him and we did a joint venture where I promoted him and positioned him in our whole HMA Training, it all started with his book. But, we’ve done hours and hours and hours and hours of audio interviews and providing more value to the students who want to become marketing consultants and we’re able to get that. And all the audio you do, even if it becomes your product later on as you get more and more, you could use that audio as a promotional content to sell your product too. And that’s all discussed in the audio marketing secrets product. Pretty wild huh?

Angela: It’s awesome. There are so many possibilities.

Michael: You can’t get overwhelming, you just got to start with one, do one. One to do one and then you’re good to go. One to record one, one to get an interview. Get confident that people will say yes, do the interview, edit the interview, get it transcribed, get the description written, get the headline written, be able to get it up on the internet, if you could do that one time, you’re ready to go, your confidence will sky rocket and you’ll be able to do it over and over and over and over again and that’s what I’ve done just on different subjects and different topics and different markets.

Angela: Yeah and then you know, you could probably take part of those transcript and put them on the easingarticle.com and have it come to that.

Michael: Great idea. Absolutely you can. And I’ll give you perfect example on the HMA marketing consulting by paid someone to take the transcripts of the interviews that I’ve done and create fifty articles and you can create all kinds of articles of new transcripts of your audio interviews and I have those it, I think its easingarticles.com or one of those E-scene sites and I’ve done the same for another product that I have so sure it all starts with great questions, answering the questions that your potential prospects want to know the answers too, that’s where it all starts. Then when you’ve done the interview and you’ve cleaned it up, you have the transcripts; the transcripts will work for you as a special report and as transcripts. You provide those people who love to read. There are many people who can read faster than they can listen and they’re readers, they’re voracious, and they can get through reading contents faster than audio. So, you’re doing them a favor by providing them a readable format and then you can break them apart and create articles from it. You can make it a special report or you can create a press release from it but, it all starts from that interview.

Angela: Well. I’ll tell you something else too and that is that I found that if I take part of that article and post it on my blog it gets immediate attention then it’s just goes from there. So another question from Marian to Michael, she is an energy practitioner at zerotobehappy.com. She says where do you get ideas of people to interview?

Michael: It’s a great question. It starts with who I want to interview. I can search him on Google and find them, you know, I have mentioned before that I have a PR expert who provides PR services to some high-end people, healthy people to me. I don’t need idea, interview experts are all over the place but here, I think I know what you’re asking. Where can I find experts to approach to interview? How about Amazon.com? Or Barnes&Noble.com? You could spend ten wise times finding experts to interview. Anyone who’s authored a book is raising their hands saying, I’m an expert and I want more people to know more about me. And just because they’re published expert and they have their book on Amazon means nothing, it doesn’t mean they’re successful or super successful. It just means that they have something that they want to say and that they drawn a line in the sand and they established themselves as an expert on a certain subject. Well, if you have the author’s name of that book, you can certainly find their website or contact information and send them an invitation to be interviewed for your website. If I just left you with that one idea you never run out of people, topics, or anything.

Angela: Well not only that. But I found out that the people I interview always say, well you know what, got a couple of friends that you should interview, too.

Michael: Sure, yeah, you can be referred, you could come from your customer list, chase stories if you hear good feedback from your customers you can interview them, and you can come from all around you. Then lets say you don’t know anybody at all and you want to list up potential people to contact for an interview, start with Amazon.com and one day with amazon.com they allow you to look inside the book or let say you found your expert on amazon.com, you can look inside the book and see the whole entire table of contents and that table of contents can be the framework for all your questions for that interviewee subject. So, you really don’t even have to do that much work in coming up with a question for the interview because that table of contents is organized in a way and believe me that author sought long and hard on what to put in the table of contents because that’s the contents of their book and you can use that as an outline for your interview questions.

Angela: And you can also have a scene. Like I do with my, during dreamer showcase you know, where I have force specific questions I asked each person. I mean there’s so many different ways and also I found that these persons that I interview have questions they want me to ask them.

Michael: Yeah, that’s true, too. That’s right. You will find there are some interviewee subjects who want to control the interview and they’ll set the criteria. Let’s say it’s a big name. I interviewed a copywriter and he’s been around for a long time very well known and I guess he wanted to control the interview and he said look I’ll do the interview but we’ll going to do my questions. I said, alright that’s fine and that’s okay coz I just wanted his big name and he wanted to provide me the questions so, it just save me time and he did all the work in coming up with the questions. So, really all I had to do is set the appointment and ask the questions and let him talk.

Angela: Yeah. So, you’re going for positioning and he was going for marquee value.

Michael: That’s right. We talked about different reasons for doing an interview and I asked you who would you be honored to have as a sponsor. You do it for free just to be associated with that name. I wanted this name of this copywriter so I could say I’ve interviewed this guy. So they have marquee value. So, when you say your products include an interview with this guy, well-known expert in his field gives your product more value, gives you more value, give your site more value. So, there are interviews you want to land with famous people within your field which will just only help you.

Angela: Well now what is some of the worst mistakes you’ve made and how can we avoid them?

Michael: I’d say the only worst mistake I’ve made but probably be some, my earlier interviews, the quality of the audio which I was using this modem spy software and I guess I was just too lazy to research and find a better quality. I didn’t think my site was going to turn into what it was doing. I think maybe sloppy work from when I first started. If you cannot do it, I would tell you do it right. Treat that interview as an investment. Edit it properly. Don’t be sloppy in the final production of your audio interview or your product. Do it the best you can. If you have to invest a lot of money in doing it, it’s worth it to have a great product because when someone buys that product or listens to that that makes a statement about who you are in the service you provide. You don’t want sloppy work going out, because you just going to be associated with sloppy work. So, do it right from the very beginning. And then you’ve got something very valuable that you can always use to provide you income.

Angela: It’s a fine line, too isn’t it? I mean we’re talking earlier about having the telephone sound and yet at the same time you don’t wanted to look like a garbage mess.

Michael: Yeah, that’s right. I think its okay having that telephone sound but you got to respect your listeners’ time. They are busy as hell. There are a million other things that they could be doing besides listening to your interview. When we talked about music, someone did ask where I can get music. You know, I know on your radio show it’s traditional to have intro music on my audio interviews, I don’t start with music. When I listen to audio interviews and there’s music in the beginning, I’m saying come on, come on I’m busy. I got to go pick up the kids. I wish this music weren’t here, lets get in to it. Respect your listeners’ time and get to the meat of the stuff. No fluff. Get to the meat and give them the goods, deliver the goods, deliver the results, deliver the value without any of the fluff and they’ll appreciate you for it coz you’re respecting their time.

Angela: That’s true and really the music is just a branding device.

Michael: It’s a branding device and I have a short little piece of music. I’ll take the clip kind of like a trailer for a movie you see on TV. That’s the trailer; it’s a high point of the audio interview where I maybe saying something or my interviewee subject will be saying (inaudible 34:05). I’ll put that short clip at the beginning kind of like a trailer on a movie and then I’ll have my music after that. But, the music is very short it’s only for about maybe three or four seconds.

Angela: I think that’s really smart. I like the stated away behind things so it goes behind the speaking. There’s also something that I’ve experienced which is there’s a couple of interviews that I’ve done that didn’t show up on my recorder. Talk about embarrassing, have you done that?

Michael: I have, once or twice. I started an interview with somebody and realized that my digital recorder wasn’t turned on. It wasn’t too bad and I caught it early on. Well, a couple of examples, there was one interview and this is real important with this online I did with the high end consulting guy, I done one great interview with him and then we did another one on different subject and what happened is when I called in, I called in to his front desk and this front desk transferred the call to his office where before it was a direct line to line connection.

Angel: So it came through the desk?

Michael: Yes. So everything sounded fine but when I played it back, it was just distorted.

Michael: Yes, everything sounded fine but when I played it back, it was just distorted. It assures it that the quality was awful. That’s why you need that hard wire phone, phone to phone. Not through kind of fun office, nothing likes that. So, that’s kind of screwed up. I was still able to transcribe it, so anyone who can’t withstand listening to it, can read the transcript. It wasn’t a total loss. And then, there was one interview, a two part interview, and I completed the interview and I try to get the audio file off of my digital recorder, and it shows you on what percent audio interviews had been sent off to recorder and write it 99%. It frosts up and I could not get that interview off the recorder. But the person I interviewed had recorded the call, and I had a back up and he sent me the digital audio, so, no loss. Sally is a great brand name, very barely I do have problems with it and I do trust it to deliver it. It has delivered 99.99% of the time. But you had a very high-end interview or real once in a life time. I would have a back up. I’d record with your digital recorder. There are conference call services that offer recordings so Angela I would have you called in for the conference call and I would meet you there in the conference call and that conference service record the audio digitally as well and I would have my digital recorder on my hand, so I would have a back up just in case.

Angela: Yeah. I had interviewed someone last week. I felt so honestly have her to my show. And I did a job like that.

Michael: That’s smart.

Angela: What is the best question that you ask?

Michael: You know the best question I had asked is the question that my listeners want to hear. Here’s a great example. There’s a type of interview I do, and on the type of interview that you and your listeners can do that they can’t never go wrong. And Angela, were doing it right now. What questions are you asking me?

Angela: I emailed my list and ask you what questions you want to know if they did audio interview for audios for sale. So, I’m asking the questions they want to know about.

Michael: So, you’re giving them exactly what they’ve asked for, right?

Angela: Yup.

Michael: so, you can never go wrong with that format. Now, this only works if you have a list of people to ask or what kind of question would you like to hear in this interview. Fortunately, you had a list, and I had a list where I’m able to do that. And when you’re doing an interview like this, it’s a great format because you can never go wrong and you’re not guessing. You know, you ask me what are the best questions I’m going to ask in the future if my ego got go out of the away, well I know exactly what I will going to ask. I will go to ask this because I know what these listeners want to know, well, I don’t know. And, your best questions are the questions that your market wants to know. So keep that in mind. But I do see what you’re asking here, and there is a stuff to add to. Because as you’re asking the questions that your market wants to know, I think a good interviewer digs a little bit about deeper. And it’s almost like an annoying child, that says, “Why daddy, why daddy, tell me why?” you really got to be in to it if someone answers the question and your doing your job and you’re been a very good listener. And there’s still something unanswered in your mind. I think that’s separate a professional interviewer from one not a professional. The one not a professional will go on to the next question where the professional one will feel kind of nagging, unanswered or something not clear and would say, “Can you explain that on more detail or I don’t understand that. Professionals are not afraid to make sure they get the clarity of the answer and they are doing this for they’re listeners.

Angela: I would so agree with that. I think that’s really appealing to listen to and interview like that word. So, that comes about more like a conversation rather than just road answer.

Michael: Right. It does make a flow a little bit better and you got to dig. And then as you asking this question, you may want to get personal. You may want to asked questions that no one had ever thought of. As long as it’s not out of balance, you may want to ask, how is you’re business affects you’re personal life with your wife? How do you feel about working this so many hours and being away from your kids, traveling? You know, you can ask questions that really not just the business but you can integrate those business questions and money making questions back to what it’s like to their personal life. Because everyone listening has a personal life too, so, you can merge the two and provides some very interesting stuff.

Angela: Well, I’m sure I’ll agree with that. That’s how I speak to my show, and usually it’s more personal.

Michael: Yes, if you’re a good listener, they’re going to what is called talking frenzy. And you wouldn’t get to set them up. They’re became hypnotize with they’re own words. And it’s really interesting; you know you may not ask them anything, and they’ve talk for whole hours. And they said, I really like you, you’ve ask me really great questions. But it’s just a fact about being listened to.

Angela: Yeah, especially in understanding because people don’t listen much.

Michael: That’s exactly right. That’s why it works so well.

Angela: We’ve got some more question here by Sophia Zoë, I think that’s her surname. She’s an energy therapist at sophiazoe.com. And she wants to know about, how to verify the people that are marketing. It’s just that there’s so many people on mind that are planning to know how to market you’re business. They would give away something for free, and ask money for further information. What are some guidelines for identifying the honest one to come for a place of truth and integrity?

Michael: Well you know, I would go, number one with your intuition. You know, when you look at their website, you read their sales copy, you learn a little bit about them. Isn’t go with your guts, I should think you should really on your intuition first, other ways; you can search for their names on Google and see what comes out about them. You can look for any bad information on them. If theirs really someone out there hurting people, you know, with the internet today, if someone fists, they would be post it online. Some more, you can do your research on Google and see what you can find about this person. Another way is to see how long they have been on business. And you can see how popular they’re website is by going to alexa.com. This is a site where you can put any web address in and you can see how popular the site is, how many visitors they get, how popular it is in relationship in any website in the world. And then, over in the left side of the alexa page, there is a site called the way back machine. And this is the site that’s been recording web pages and audio contact and website for many years and cataloging and documenting them. So, you can go to the way back machine, type in, hardtofindseminars.com. And you can see what my website looks like, when I first started it.

Angela: Oh God! I can think of the awful website that I have in this.

Michael: That’s right. We can go back and look at every single one of them, and can record it for anybody to see. There is a way for a website owner to block the ability but most people don’t do that. So, you can do research that way as well. And you can ask the providers for testimonials. And for references, so do your diligence, go with your intuition first. If they’re asking for a lot of money for something, what’s they’re guarantee. Do your research, just be careful, definitely.

Angela: Yeah. She also asks, “I’m selling services, rather than products at this time,” she’s an energy therapist too help client and get balance. She’s sensing that her approach regarding email marketing should be different than the interfaced urgent deadline approach tactics. What are your recommendations regarding this supple.

Michael: I can hear where she’s going, and I can see how the two questions are connecting. What she’s seeing is a lot of interface high marketing for products and unfortunately, they’re a lot of marketers out there who use that style. Because maybe they are learning from an expert that says that style works, you know, like the blind leading the blind. They’re just copying what every one is doing, and there is a lot of hype out there interface, hurry, you know, the mantra salesman. The promotion for furniture’s that you see on TV. You know, they even used car dealerships, I guess it works for them. It’s definitely not my style, it sounds that it’s not here style. And I think her intuition is telling her that kind of style is annoying, and interface, and ineffective. So, she’s questioning to keep the copy of what anyone is doing or should she go with this soft sale. And I think she’s answered her own question by asking this question. She should go to the soft sale. That is not my opinion, the best way to sell someone on something. You want to provide value. You know, you want to educate your customers. The best way to established credibility with your prospects is to educate them and provide them value for free. If she want a soft sale approach using email, my recommendation would be to use a soft sale approach. Don’t sale anything, offer people on your list, email and provide resources of value. And established your credibility that way, maybe doing an interview for an expert, and an email that say, hey, here’s an interview with an expert that I just did on this or on that, provide information on tools that would make the people on your email list their life easier. Angela, I would tell you a toll that it was one of the best-time saving tool. I don’t think we’ve talk about this but if you go web form, petty fill out form, if you go to pay pal or any kind of thing were you have to put your user name and password. Do you do that manually?

Angela: Actually my computers fix that for me.

Michael: Okay, that’s you’ve been to the site already. And you’re revisiting it, what kind of a new form? You’ve been filling out form at all?

Angela: Sometimes I deal with my sister and my computer remembers the information and visiting for me, if I could click on that box, it comes in.

Michael: I got you. Okay… okay.

Angela: Sometimes, there are other plans I have to do it manually.

Michael: There is wonderful pieces corgorogoform.com. It’s like a robotic form filler, you can put your information, your name, your address, anything that you ever had to fill out in a form and it’s automatically there, so whenever you come with a web page, see if you want to order product, you’ve got to fill out your information again. One can click out the button and fills it out for you.

Angela: Wow!

Michael: It is such a time saving tool. Every one should know this tool and used it because it just saves so much time.

Angela: But how is the security with them?

Michael: It’s a very high end, very secure. You can even have a password before it fills out the form that only you know. As a matter of fact, the first version that I have, I forgot my master password. And I have to delete the whole software and rebuild it again. But it’s fantastic, you know you can do little research and tries to find out what make her customers or his prospects on his list make their life easier. And do a service form and direct towards something and that same time became an expert.

Angela: There’s something else too that I find I like to tell little stories because it makes my email unique, most people don’t do that. Usually, sell, sell, and sell. I would like them to see as a friend and somebody that they can rely on to give them value.

Michael: I think that’s great, great advice! And I’m glad you brought that up. I mean stories are absolutely critical, and necessary and effective selling. I’ll give you a little tip bit. There is an interview I did with a guy and he was an expert on how to sell your script and get it to the Hollywood. And he work for camera and crew, and we did this whole interview. It’s on my copywriting page with all my interviews with these copywriters on how to effectively used storytelling on your copy to sell more of your ideas, products and services. This man was a screen writer and was a teacher of screen writing skills with the process of creating a product on how to write compelling stories, screen plays and stage plays. Basically, we’ve talked about screen play. And we’ve talked about story lines; he's an expert with this. And I will tell you this one recording is one of the most popular recordings on my entire site. Wow! There’s something about this story telling interview that people want to know. It’s very valuable. I would encourage all of your listeners when they did the hardtofindseminars.com to find the sections of all the copywriting interviews and listen to these interviews. And also, I make it a point with a lot of my interviews, knock this question and answer type style interview that were doing today. But if I’m interviewing an expert, I would tell that expert before we did an interview, I want you to come up with five or six case studies, stories that we can interject throughout the interview. So, we want case studies, success stories, and I sprinkle thought out the interview and taxes glued to the interviewee, keeps your listeners listening because everyone loves stories.

Angela: Yeah. And there’s something else to that, let say could you give me five tips on; something that somebody could do today to get your audio interview going? That’s the other way of making the interview going.

Michael: Yeah. Absolutely, I could give you those tips in a way that I can answer it. Angela, I can give you five tips. But instead why not let me tell you about five case studies, five stories of my students and how they were able to use audio and increase value. And that’s going to be even better. So, it’s almost like when you tell him stories or case studies, you take yourself out of the position of being the expert. Okay Angela, here’s Michael Senoff, I’m the expert and I’m going to tell you exactly what they are, right? Okay, Mr. Expert’s going to share his expertise but I think I’m better off positioning wise. And say, you know I’ve maybe an expert, but I’d rather tell you case studies and stories of some of my customers. I will tell you indirec stories. It’s like them telling you how my audio tips benefited them. So, it’s almost like five of my case studies. Talking about how effective using audio interviews has been for them, so it’s changing the positioning instead of mapping the expert. I have five stories criticizing me for the effectiveness of my audio product.

Angela: Yeah. And the person listening not only thinks that you do well, but they relate to the person who’s telling the story and learned the tip.

Michael: That’s right. You don’t want to be the expert. You just want to be the conductor. You want to be providing the service like interviewing the expert. And this doesn’t go across the board but if you think about creating an audio information product. Just find that expert and interview him. Whoever’s turn, their time, their life’s work. Just interview him and that’s a lot better positioning. That’s why almost all the products, except for this one, audio marketing secrets, I’m not the expert. This is the only product I’ve positioned myself as not the expert on my website.

Angela: But it all comes out of senses. So, there’s another question for you, I think this is comes from Sophia. She says, “What is your elevator pitch in terms of marketing”?. I mean; if you could impart your best advice for one minute or less, what would you say?

Michael: Give till it hurts. Give, give, give, give, then give some more, till other people think that your absolutely nuts. Because sure enough, the more you give, the more you get. Give and you shall receive for high real value and it will all come back to you eventually. Just trust in that law. Trust in that law and just over deliver and provide so much value to your potential clients or to your listeners and be the best. I’d say you can out work this famous copy writer who was the world class copy writer. He’s dead now, his name is Eugene Short. And he wasn’t talented as other world class copy writers, but he out worked them. Another copy writer may you know, his writing was a promotional piece for a book that this copy writer may read the book once. Where Eugene Short, read the book six times, he just outwork them and in many cases, sometimes you have to do it. You can either outwork them or out spend them. So, where other people are doing audio interviews and they are sloppy, they all have the chit-chat and the fun, where they don’t edit it. And maybe some qualities are poor and they may offer tons of music at the front. And they are not respecting the listeners. You have to understand, it’s a human being out there, listening to your content. You’ve got to appreciate the value of their time. You have to understand they are busy and there are million other things that they can be doing other than listening to you. Talk how great you are, how great your expertise is. And if you disrespect them, they’ll only value their time; they’re not going to listen to you. Yet you can outwork your competition and outsell them by keeping that listener in mind, and doing them a favor by giving them the information that they want to know with an easy to listen format that provides real value that can change their life. If you can do that once, you got a friends for life. And you can do it again, and you can build a relationship with them and they will tell their friends about you, and it will come back to you. So, do it right from the beginning.

Angela: Well, I’m sure I agree with that.