Jay Abraham Protege Marketing Consulting Seminars

Jay Abraham Protégé Training And Seminars. How I Buy Them At 80% Off Retails and How You Can Do The Same

Overview :-

Hi! I'm Michael Sendoff, and if you have ever dreamed of being a marketing consultant but just don't have the big bucks to pay out for the training then this recording and information will be something you will appreciate very much.

I was interviewed by my good friend, Vanish Patel, during which time I shared my secrets about how I applied Jay Abraham Contingency Marketing Consulting Seminars and principles to learn how to make more money with my existing business.

In this 60-min. interview, I explain how I buy Jay Abraham's materials from his marketing protégés for five cents on the dollar, how I identified and located contacts, and tips so you, too, can purchase almost any Internet or marketing seminar material to build your business for pennies on the dollar.

In this interview by Vanish Patel, you will learn about...

  • How I got started with buying and selling Jay Abraham Contingency Marketing Consulting Seminars on E-bay
    • The marketing techniques I used to locate contacts from whom to purchase additional tapes
      • What to look for when buying on E-bay and tips for avoiding counterfeits
        • Building relationships and asking questions to find out a client's needs to identify the right products when the client wants to buy
          • Other seminar products on my Web site
            • How I can help.

              Audio Transcript :-

              Vanish: If you just joined us on the call, welcome to the call. This is going to be the call with Michael Senoff talking about how you can purchase the Jay Abraham material for five cents on the dollar. My name is Vanish Patel. I’m a good friend of Michael and today Michael is going to be covering a very good topic. He’s going to be talking about Jay Abraham and how he purchases Jay Abraham material and how you, too, can purchase Jay Abraham material for five cents on the dollar. I’m sure most of you know Michael, but for those that may not know of Michael Senoff, Michael has been for the last few years purchasing and reselling Jay Abraham material. And he has one of the most amazing stories I’ve ever seen on the Internet on what he’s done and what he’s been able to achieve. So, I’m not really going to go too much into Michael, but what I am going to first do is say Michael are you there?

              Michael: I’m here Vanish.

              Vanish: Well, Michael, I came across your site a few years ago. I was searching for some Jay Abraham literature and came across your site. Your story and what you did has been an interesting story. The thing that really interests me is we all know Jay Abraham as a market person and what was amazing for me to read was how you were able to purchase Jay Abraham material so cheaply. How did you purchase your first Jay Abraham tapes for five cents on the dollar?

              Michael: It came from a need just like anyone else out there. Everyone knows how expensive Jay Abraham marketing seminars are. Some of them are $15,000, some $20,000. I think, and I don’t know for sure, I think he’s done some for even $50,000. But I had a pen manufacturing business and like any other business, I was looking for new ways to make more money with my pen business. But I ended up listening an audiotape interview between Jay Abraham and Tony Robbins and it was the first time I was ever introduced to Jay Abraham. And I was a guy looking for answers for my pen business. And I was just amazed at what I heard. And I just became addicted. I wanted more of it. And then I started looking for more Jay Abraham and I think I did a search on the Internet. I ended up contacting Jay’s office and talking to Carl Turner. Carl Turner is Jay’s right hand man who handles all the sales. I told him I wanted some Jay Abraham material and I think I ended up buying the Optimization videos. And I believe there were around $200 or $300. I got these videos and I remember putting them in the VCR and watching them. It was a wonderful presentation that Jay did at Tony Robbins Life Mastery Seminar. And it was just a great condensed presentation of a good majority of Jay’s concepts on video. I found a guy who had gone to the Jay Abraham seminar. He was in California and I asked him if he would be willing to sell me his set of tapes. And he said no, but he said he would fax me a list of all the people who attended in California. So, he sent me a couple of pages by fax with all the Jay Abraham protégé attendees. Now the Protégé Seminar was in 1989 and 1990. And I found a lady who went to this seminar from 1990 right here in San Diego. I called her up. That was my very first set of seminar tapes that I ended up buying from her for $50.

              Vanish: You were able to buy, was it $10 or $20,000 seminar set for $50?

              Michael: She paid either $15,000 or $20,000 to go to the seminar. And she had gotten back from the seminar and I don’t think she ever did anything with it. The material was in beautiful condition, probably in the same box it was in when she brought it home from the seminar. She was finished with marketing. She was finished with business. And it was sitting there and she was never going to do anything with it and I offered her $50 and she took the $50. And that was my first set of tapes that I bought for myself, personally to study.

              Vanish: I guess what you did was, obviously, study the material and utilize that within your pen business?

              Michael: I studied the material and I utilized it in my pen business, that’s correct.

              Vanish: What caused you to sell these tapes?

              Michael: I had studied the tapes and the tapes were probably sitting on my shelf for over a year. And at that time I was engaged, I got married, I moved into a house with my wife. And we had spent a lot of money fixing up the house. But I wanted this blue barbecue grill. It was a smoker. It was called a Kamado and it’s a beautiful barbecue grill. And I wanted this thing. It was $1,700. But my wife wasn’t into the idea of me spending $1,700 on a barbecue grill. So, I said fine. I’m going to sell my Jay Abraham tapes. And at that time, I had learned about Ebay. Remember when Ebay stock was going through the roof and it was all over the media. And I thought Ebay was absolutely incredible. And I was going to see something on Ebay. But I was not computer savvy enough. I didn’t know how to upload a picture. I didn’t know what HTML was. I didn’t have a digital camera. But I finally got a digital camera. I had learned how to load a picture up on an Ebay auction and I did an auction. And I don’t think there were many people at all selling Jay Abraham material. And the auction ended and I had sold the tapes for $1,700. And I just said, holy smokes. There must be a market for this stuff. That was my first sale on Ebay. And when you can make a profit like that, it just only made sense to see if I could do it again.

              Vanish: Who did you sell it to? Was it someone in San Diego?

              Michael: No, my very first customer was a gentleman named Pierro and I don’t know his last name. But he is in Australia.

              Vanish: Obviously, he had a benefit in that he purchased it with a significant discount so he was still satisfied. What happened next?

              Michael: When you buy these materials, you’re not just buying one set of tapes. When you find a set of Jay Abraham materials, when I started with the Protégé stuff, you got all kinds of stuff. And it took me a while to learn that this stuff all came bundled together. And if you’ve ever seen Jay Abraham’s promotions, you see all the bonuses he gives when you buy a set of tapes or when you go to his seminar. He throws in so much material to make it so enticing to go. So, these people who paid $20,000 to go to the seminar, they got a set of audiotapes. In some cases, they got another set of audiotapes, what’s called a Protégé Reunion Set, which was another seminar that all the original attendees could go to. So, there are two sets of Protégé tapes. There are Boot Camp tapes, which are these 28 preliminary material tapes that he sends before the people go to the seminar. There are all his ads. The Ad Guide, which is this huge book of all these advertisements that are successful that he has used over the years and successful ads from other marketers, which is just a gold mine. And then there’s this Contract Guide, videos from Gary Halbert. There were these two videos from a guy named Ken Cleveland, who taught NLP at the Protégé Seminar. There was a video from a guy named Harry Pickens, who was an incredible marketing protégé and he ended up being like a star marketing protégé at the seminar. There was a set of what’s called FYMEO, which was this huge volume of written material, a $3,000 product, that’s what he retailed it for back then. Then here was your marketing genius at work, which was one of his first products, which was a series of 18 different reports. And so, when I broke all this stuff up and sold it on Ebay, I knew if I found someone and I could buy a set of tapes even if I paid $500 for all of their material if they had it and it was all in good condition, it would easily net $1,000 in my pocket.

              Vanish: Right, because you had, obviously, just break it up and sold each one individually to people who are interested in it a little bit. Obviously, your first set of tapes, you went to the first person and he said no I don’t want to sell them. But he gave you a fax copy of some of the people that attended the Protégé?

              Michael: Exactly.

              Vanish: How many people attended the original camp?

              Michael: There were over 900 people who went through a series of four or five protégé training seminars back in 1989, 1990. But there was a list of 900 people. And this was the amazing thing. When I kept calling off the list that the guy had faxed me, I was just calling on people in California because that’s all he gave me. I found some additional sets, some locally and some in different parts of California. Well, I acquired a set of material from another person in California. And then in with the box was this spiral bound notebook of the entire list of everyone who went to this Protégé Seminar, depending on what session. So, if I bought a set of tapes from his last Protégé session, I had all the people who went from the previous session. If I bought a set of tapes and that book of all the other protégés was in there from the first session, I had only say the first 200 or 300 people. He made it available to any of the protégés so that they could network with each other. And he still does it today in all his seminars.

              Vanish: So, what you had was one of the packages you bought had a list of 900 people that attended Protégé Seminars?

              Michael: That’s right.

              Vanish: What did you do when you saw that?

              Michael: I was ready to start calling these people and buying as much of this Protégé Jay Abraham material as I could. So, I took that list. I looked in the Yellow Pages. I found someone who did data entry. And I think I paid the lady maybe $100 to enter them all into a database. And I started making calls looking for Jay Abraham tapes.

              Vanish: Now, how old would this list be?

              Michael: This list at the time was at least ten years old. You can imagine calling on a ten year old list. Here’s the experience I had. Many people have a lot of things going on in their life and they move or they get divorced or people die. And I had all these cases when I was called when I could make contact with people. But when I found somebody where the number was still the same and they had been in that same house or apartment or residence for the last ten years, there’s a good chance that they still had those tapes and they were sitting down in some basement or some attic. What I found the biggest reason someone doesn’t have the tapes is because they’ve moved or they’ve gotten divorced and the husband took it or the business went out of business and everything was thrown away. I found a cross-section of all kinds of situations.

              Vanish: And did you find when, obviously, you managed to contact someone that attended the seminar and that they did have a set that it was relatively easy to purchase it?

              Michael: That’s a good question, Vanish. Everyone was different. I had people who were on the list who were die-hard Jay Abraham fans and they wouldn’t sell their set of tapes for $10,000. I had people who hated the stuff. People who go to these seminars are in business and they can justify a price like that for a lot of different reasons. But one reason is you can write it off at the end of the year. So, it’s a write off. It’s a business expense. Now, when someone is invited to a seminar, many times Jay allows them to bring a guest to the seminar. I think in many cases, the guest gets a whole set of material also. So, the guest may have been coming with the owner of the business, maybe the secretary went with the owner of the business or maybe the wife went with the husband and there may be two sets of tapes. So, everyone who went to the seminar doesn’t mean they’re die-hard Jay Abraham fans and it doesn’t mean they’re emotionally attached to the material.

              Vanish: Yes, I agree because one of the things you tend to find is that people that go along you can often find are there because the business has told them to go as opposed to they want to go.

              Michael: Yes, that’s right. That makes sense.

              Vanish: Obviously, when you were looking to purchase the tapes, was it just a straight cash offer or did you have to add a sweetener?

              Michael: This is what I did. What am I going to tell these people when I call them? I simply called and said, “My name is Michael Senoff. I’m calling from San Diego, California. This may be a crazy call but I got your name from a list as one of the people who went to that Jay Abraham seminar ten years ago.” They’re going to remember. If they spend $15,000, $20,000 to go to this seminar and went to that seminar, they’re going to remember that event. And I say, “I was looking for an old set of those tapes. By any chance do you still have any of that old material?” And in some cases they say no, dumped it, it’s gone; I don’t have any of it. In some cases they say, yes but I’m not willing to sell it. In some cases, they actually gave it to me. And it just all depends on the emotional attachment to the material. Now, ten years is a long time to go by for somebody.

              Vanish: The way that you approached the person; you didn’t approach them as a trader. You just approached them as, “Hey, I’m somebody that’s found out about you and just really asking in a friendly way.” I think one of the things that I learned, certainly for myself, is don’t mention the money and then it won’t become an issue.

              Michael: Yes, I’m not going to tell them that I want to buy it and resell because then they probably want to know what’s this guy doing. Maybe I should resell it. Back then a lot of people didn’t know about Ebay or they may not have had a computer and may not be computer savvy or had no idea that there was any value in them. If I found someone who had everything, all the stuff I mentioned earlier and I knew what I could get for the materials eventually, I would offer them $500. I don’t think I every paid over $500. Now, if I came up to a time where I have a customer looking for a particular item and then I knew I could sell it or had it sold before I bought it, I could figure out what it was worth to me or what I could offer somebody. But in most cases, think about it, the stuff is sitting there for years. And this could be parallel to any kind of ten-year-old business not just Jay Abraham tapes. This just happens to be my particular market, a very small niche market. But some people I get it for $250, some people $500, some people for free. And sometimes maybe I’d pay $1,000. And it also depends how the market was on Ebay; people buying, was it a slow time. And there are definitely ups and downs in this market. And another thing I learned, which is pretty interesting, I start getting a lot of calls when Jay Abraham starts promoting a seminar because he may have 250,000, may be 75,000, I’ve heard…I don’t know exactly what…but now he’s Internet savvy and he emails these people. So, if he’s sending out a promotion for a seminar that may be $15,000, you have people going on the Internet search Google for Jay Abraham. And that’s how I find a lot of my customers. So, I get a lot of those people originally research Jay Abraham. And he’s doing so many promotions and joint ventures with all kinds of people.

              Vanish: Let’s just check in with the callers and see if they’ve got any questions so far.

              Darryl: Mike, this is Darryl. Did you ever get any backlash from the Abraham group from what you were doing?

              Michael: That’s a good question. I was going to bring that up. I sure did. When I first started selling on Ebay, I got a call from Jay Abraham’s attorney, a guy named Troy Tate. He called me and he wanted to make sure that I wasn’t counterfeiting the stuff because, obviously, word got back to him. So, what I did was I got my checkbook and I had about 20 checks that I had paid original seminar attendees. And I photocopied every check from all the protégés that he could check with his mailing list. And I Federal Expressed next day those copies of those checks to show him, to prove to him that yes, I was buying this originally and legitimately from his previous seminar attendees. And as long as I’m not counterfeiting or making unauthorized copies, I’m playing within the game.

              Darryl: But there’s been no other backlash or anything like that?

              Michael: No other backlash. As a matter of fact, over the years, Troy Tate has come to me asking for advice about what items maybe counterfeit or if there is an Ebay seller that I may know anything about because I did. I’m new to the Ebay market and to Jay Abraham tapes and I knew a lot of the sellers. So, it’s been pleasant and positive. Nothing negative.

              Darryl: Thank you.

              Vanish: Michael, you were, obviously, selling using Ebay. Ebay has an enormous growth rate. Just as you said when you originally were starting to sell Jay Abraham material on Ebay, there weren’t many people and, obviously, now there are a few more and unfortunately there are a few people doing counterfeit or fake. The person that has, obviously, studied Jay Abraham for a number of years, you know all the different types of material, what they look like. Someone new like me who may have purchased a set of tapes, how do you know what the real one looks like and what the fakes look like? Is there maybe some hints and tips that you can give?

              Michael: Yes. There’s definitely some hints and tips. Some times it can be hard. As a matter of fact, I have purchased some thing off of Ebay and it’s been counterfeit and I’ve been stuck with it. But it was my fault because I got greedy and I didn’t take the time and do due diligence. If I had followed some criteria that I’m going to tell you about, I would not have been stuck with worthless tapes. First of all, the worst thing is if they’re counterfeit, there’s usually a good chance that the quality is terrible, especially the audio. I don’t know if you’ve ever listened to an audiotape that’s been recorded second generation. It’s an unpleasant experience. It makes your learning process much more difficult and you end up loosing out in the end. Here’s what I would do. If you find a set of tapes on Ebay and you’re not sure whether they’re legitimate, I would call me first and tell me what it is. Send me a link to the Ebay auction, ask me my opinion, and I’ll give you my best advice based on the stuff I’ve seen. Now, I don’t have all the answers because I’m not in Jay Abraham’s business. I don’t know all the stuff he’s producing. I don’t have an inside look at that. I can only let you know from the experience of all the multiple tapes and stuff that I’ve bought from original seminar attendees. I’d just go by matching it up with what those looked like. But number one, if you’re buying on Ebay, you want to look at a guy’s feedback rating. You want to make sure that that guy has good feedback and you want to see how long he has been a member of Ebay. That’s very important. If you see a guy with a feedback rating of zero or one or two or anything under five, I wouldn’t touch it with a ten-foot pole. Also, you should never buy from an Ebay auction without seeing a photo of the actual product. Many people will put up just descriptions. But you should demand a photograph and demand proof that the actual product is right there. So, that’s number two. I wouldn’t buy unless he could provide some kind of photo. And it’s easy enough when you’re doing an auction to put them up on Ebay now. Also, I would email the seller and ask him where these tapes came from. Was he an original attendee from a seminar? Where did he get them? Did he buy them from somebody on Ebay? What’s the deal? Where did they come from? See if he answers your email. And you can use your common sense. If you get a feeling that something is fishy, it most likely is. Those are probably the four or five things that I would do; that I would think could keep you pretty safe. Also, on my website, if anyone emails me and just put in the subject line “Counterfeit tapes,” I’ll send you to a special link on my website that I have actual photos of counterfeit tapes. And I give you a lesson on what to look for through photographs. So, I can show you how some of the labels are crooked and how they’re misprinted. If they look terrible, there’s a good chance they are counterfeit. And I have specific examples up on my site at www.hardtofindseminars.com and I can send you a link to that so you can study and get a little more detail on that.

              Vanish: Michael, one question. Obviously, you had the original 900 people that attended the Jay seminar and you worked through that list. Now, how do you find people that have got Jay Abraham material and they’re interested in wanting to sell it?

              Michael: I’ll tell you what I did. I use marketing like any other business should. I have that list. As I pared down that list by doing telephone calls, I had milked the list for all that it was worth by making phone calls until I couldn’t really reach any connected numbers. But I still had the addresses. So, what I did is I did a mailing out to the entire list. And this did a couple of things. It weeded out all the addresses that were no good. So, any time a letter came back and it said undeliverable address, I would just delete it off this ten year old list. And I did a one page flyer, “We buy Jay Abraham tapes. We can pay up to $1,000.” I did have response but it wasn’t that stellar. But I would get people who would call me that I was unable to reach on the phone who had tapes. So, I was able to buy tapes that way. Also, I would go through the inventory that I had acquired from maybe that mailing. And then I would ask them to fax me a list of all the items they had. So, anyone who had inventory, I’d have them write it on a list and fax it to me. So, I’d have faxes coming in. And as long as I knew who had it and knew what they had, I didn’t have to invest in the entire inventory. I could buy it, as I needed it. Just knowing who had and knowing what they had was valuable in itself. And when I was ready, I could approach them when I had a need for it.

              Vanish: So, what you were doing was really just getting people to say these are items that I may sell in future because they’ve given you a list. And then when you’ve got a buyer that wants it or you knew somebody that had it, you knew specifically who to go to call to purchase the tapes.

              Michael: Exactly. And a couple of other things, I would also do the same exact mailing maybe six months later. And I would still get a response. That’s why anyone who has a mailing list should mail the same mailing multiple times because you’re going to catch them at different times in their life. And I’ve had people contact me three, four years later who have held on to that letter and said, “I’ve held on to this letter that you buy Jay Abraham stuff.” So, you never know when someone is going to call. Now, the point of my business, I get calls all the time.

              Vanish: You now have people calling you saying, “I want to sell you my Jay Abraham material.

              Michael: I now have people call me. I’ve built up somewhat of a reputation as the guy who buys and sells Jay Abraham tapes.

              Vanish: Obviously, as you say, you’ve built a reputation buying and selling Jay Abraham material. One thing that we haven’t really asked is in your opinion what makes Jay different from other great marketers like Dan Kennedy or Gary Halbert or anybody else?

              Michael: I think he has just studied harder than anyone else out there. I think when he first started, he was so hungry and first of all, he was a tremendous student. And I know he was a student of the masters like some of the old guys even back in the early 1900s. Because I study these guys, too, and when I study them, I can see exactly the stuff Jay Abraham does from the stuff he learned from these original geniuses. But I think he, number one, studied harder and worked harder than anyone. And through all his experience and all his studying, he’s come out on top because he’s used all the principles that he’s learned. And I think he’s also got an incredible ability to hold information in his head and to be able to teach it.

              Vanish: And in terms of Jay Abraham, we always know that there’s always going to be somebody else coming along that’s moving and also up and coming. In your opinion, Michael, who would you say is somebody up and coming or somebody to be watching out for that’s going to, in your opinion, has got marketing genius potential?

              Michael: It’s a good question. On my website I sell other products besides Jay Abraham, like Dan Kennedy materials, Ted Nicholas, Bill Myers. Lot of these guys run in the same circle. And you’ll hear about them in different seminars. It’s kind of like a little fraternity. So, all of them are great. I don’t only study Jay Abraham. I study from all these other guys, too, because you may not like Jay Abraham’s personality. You may be more open to Bill Myers. He is this guy from Arkansas. He’s real down to earth. I love his stuff. And then there’s Gary Halbert. If no one has heard of Gary Halbert, he’s incredible. He taught and wrote a lot of stuff for Jay Abraham in the mid 80s. So, I study from all of them. So, I don’t know who is up and coming. I have so much material in so many, I think geniuses to learn from that I’m not really focusing on the new guys. As a matter of fact, I’m focusing on the original masters back from the late 1800s and the early 1920s. And up on my site, I put a new section of some of these geniuses. And if you go to the products page on the blue column on the left, you’ll see biographies of some of these guys. And these are some of the guys Jay Abraham studied. Studied them intensely. And these were brilliant, brilliant men. So, there’s very little new. It’s all been done before. But Jay has assimilated it and taught it better than anybody and marketed himself better than anybody. So, as far as new guy, I’m still studying the old guys.

              Vanish: That’s an interesting point in that there’s plenty of history that’s teaching you and that the new stuff really is just rehashing of the original. So, you might as well go study the original.

              Michael: Exactly, but you learn each way. The more you study the new stuff and then you study the stuff that Jay teaches, then you study stuff from Bill Myers. You may hear it from all different perspectives and different angles and it just gives you the ability to assimilate it and to understand it even better. You can study something ten different times and still learn something. And you want to learn from somebody who you like listening to or you like watching on video. It’s different for everybody. Everyone learns differently, also.

              Vanish: Obviously, you’re still active within Ebay and selling marketing material?

              Michael: The Ebay market is not very good for Jay Abraham stuff. The stuff isn’t going for a lot of money. I don’t think I can make a good profit when I’m selling on Ebay because you can’t compete with counterfeit stuff. As a matter of fact, my opinion is the Jay Abraham market on Ebay is on its way out because I know for a fact Abraham Publishing is monitoring Ebay. And they are monitoring what’s sold on Ebay. I had a set of the FYMEO that I stuck in auction up there and I had Jay’s office contact me through email and say, “Where did you get this material?” I said, “I’m Michael with www.hardtofindseminars.com. I got this from an original attendee,” and that was it. But I know they are on to the counterfeit stuff and they want it stopped. As a matter of fact, his recent seminar, his Strategy Summit, a big compilation encyclopedia of all the stuff he’s put together; he had the attendees sign a license that they were not allowed to sell it. He knows that counterfeit items take money out of his pocket and it ruins it for everybody. So, I haven’t been that active on Ebay selling, but I’m always looking. Sometimes I can buy right and find something on Ebay. But also another secret I do and if anyone was going to get into the buying and selling of anything, Ebay is absolutely incredible. You go search for anything on the Internet, Ebay is going to be there as a paid advertising. If you type in Jay Abraham stuff, you’re going to find Jay Abraham tapes on Ebay. It will be an Ebay paid ad. They like own every keyword in the universe and direct tons of traffic right to their auctions. So, what I do is on the Jay Abraham auctions, I have data entry person who works with me out of state and save and catalog and put in a database every single item that’s been sold on Ebay, every month, by Jay Abraham and Gary Halbert. So, now I have a database going back years of where all the items are. And if I ever was looking for something, I could just look up the Ebay screen name, email them, and say, “Hey, I saw that you bought a set of the Protégé tapes in 2001. By any chance do you still have them?” And I try and make a deal and I can obtain items that way, know what’s selling, and how much.

              Vanish: That’s a very good tactic.

              Michael: Anyone out there could pick any market; find an item that sells good. Let’s say you went to small businesses, people who are putting their businesses up on Ebay. Ebay will only keep the auction for 30 days. But you pay someone, if you’re not going to do it, and just save all those auctions of small businesses that didn’t sell. And believe me, many people aren’t computer savvy. They don’t know how to put up an auction. They don’t put pictures. They don’t do a good description. They don’t understand what a headline is or how to write a good letter or a good auction. And that business won’t sell. So, you may go back to that person and contact them three, four, five months later and that stuff is still sitting there. They would hug you and kiss you for taking it off their hands for nothing if you just contacted them.

              Vanish: Exactly and that’s all about timing. Trading is all about asking the right person at the right time with the right proposition. Obviously, you have spent a number of years purchasing, selling. You must know pretty much all of the Jay Abraham material that’s out there. If I was going to go and buy some Jay Abraham material and I don’t want to go to Jay Abraham and pay $20,000; my budget won’t stretch that far. I’ve got a budget and I want to come to you, Michael, and say, “Michael, I’m interested in going out and purchasing a set of Jay Abraham tapes or his videos or whatever.” What would be the way that you would approach someone? Why would someone come to you and buy from you?

              Michael: There are several reasons. Number one because I have invested hundreds of hours with studying all the material and I know the material pretty well. And I’ve a good understanding of what each one of the seminars and what each one of the products are about and what it will do for that particular business. That in itself would be, if you came to me and bought from me, that advice that I have for you and my knowledge would ultimately save you time and save you money. Number two, my credibility. I’ve been doing this a long time. I’ve got a lot of testimonials that anyone can read up on my website of what people say and their experience with me. But I think the biggest thing that I’m not just going to sell you a bunch of tapes or put together a big box of tapes and sell them to you. As a matter of fact, in nine out of ten times unless someone comes to me and knows exactly what they then I don’t need to talk to somebody. If they know what they want, they know what the seminar is about and they’re just looking for it, I’ll sell it to them. We can do it through an email. We don’t even need a phone conversation. And in many cases, on my site in the products area there are buy now buttons where I get orders like that. But a lot of people come to me and they don’t know what to get because there are so many Jay Abraham tapes out there. And I want to talk to these people. I’d much rather talk to them over the phone so I can find out what is this person’s situation. I’ve a lot of people who say, “Mike, what’s the best seminar? What would you recommend? What’s the best seminar you would advise for me to get of Jay Abraham?” I don’t have an answer for that. It all depends on you. So, I would want to know about you. I want to know about what you are doing, what have you been doing, what do you want to do, what are your goals. How do you like to study? Are you a reader or are you an audiotape person? Are you a videotape person? How much time do you have to study this material? Do you exercise? Can you listen to it on a Walkman? Can you listen to it at the gym? Do you have time to watch a video? I want to find out exactly how you like to study and what’s going to be the best way for you to study. So, those are two things that I think are important.

              Vanish: In terms of a budget, if I said I’m just kind of getting started and I want get some Jay Abraham material, what sort of budget do you normally expect people to have to satisfy?

              Michael: If you go to my site and look at the prices for my Jay Abraham stuff, they are cheap. One seminar I may have up there for $500, $600, $700. But if you compare it to what people pay to attend the seminar, it really is, in some cases, less than five cents on the dollar. So, when you’re comparing it to what people pay to go to the seminar, it’s the bargain of a lifetime. Now, granted they come home with the bigger box of stuff. But they’re getting the same stuff just repeated on audio, on video, in transcripts. It’s the same ideas just in different formats. So, when you come to my site, in many cases, I may have all the formats. Or you may want CDs, but I only have audiotapes. So, I would say come to me who may be are a beginner. They are not real sure what they want to study and I would set them up with a good set of Jay Abraham material for around $500 for a beginner. And then if someone was more advanced and they knew Jay Abraham and they really wanted to get into it and they wanted the whole kitchen sink; I’d probably go around $1,000 and sometimes a little bit more. It all depends. But not only are you going to get Jay Abraham from me because I would recommend other items that I have an intimate knowledge about from other marketing people that I have on my shelf that may even be better for you than Jay Abraham. I may talk to you and get an idea of what you’re trying to do and I may say you don’t need any of this stuff. What you’re doing right now is working and I wouldn’t buy any more material because I think you need to get busy and start doing what you’re doing. You don’t need this study. Do you know what I’m saying?

              Vanish: I’ll tell you one thing I’ve always admired in you, Michael, is the way that you just give selfishly in helping other people to get where they want to get to.

              Michael: Well, thank you.

              Vanish: You are a definite student of marketing and I’m sure you must enjoy just meeting people and finding out what they’re trying to do to get business and where they’re trying to get that business to.

              Michael: It really is. This business is not about buying and selling Jay Abraham tapes or buying and selling any of this information. The most valuable thing is the contacts you meet. When you find someone who is interested in bettering their life and bettering themselves and who want to study and learn about marketing…anyone can ask themselves how many people do they know in their life that are like that. They are few and far in between. And it’s nice to know people who think like you do or who are motivated like you. It’s great because if you didn’t have access to these type people, it can sometimes be a lonely road. You want other people to knock ideas around and to communicate with. You want a fraternity. And that’s what this business has done. I’ve met you Vanish. I’ve met a lot of great people. All the people I talk to, 99% of them are bright, good, nice people because that’s the kind of people this Jay Abraham material and this marketing attracts. And that is the most valuable thing. It’s not selling a set of tapes for $1,000. It’s the relationships and the people you know. That’s the most important thing.

              Vanish: Okay. Michael, it’s coming up to 7:00 p.m. Pacific and I did promise that everybody would get a chance to ask a couple of questions. So, what I’m going to do, I’m just going to put it in the Q&A mode if you’ll just hold on a second. Okay. If you want to ask Michael a question, you need to press the number six on your touch pad to open the call. Please announce just your name and then we can have some question. So, does anybody have a question for Michael?

              Dave: Yes.

              Vanish: Hi, who’s that?

              Dave: My name is Dave.

              Vanish: Okay, Dave. Dave from PA?

              Dave: Pardon me?

              Vanish: Is that Dave from Philadelphia?

              Dave: No, I’m from Modesto.

              Vanish: All right. Dave go ahead with your question.

              Dave: You covered the acquisition of the tapes in pretty detail. But there’s one question that I have. If you didn’t happen to get that list from that guy that sent you the fax, how would you go about ferreting out people that have attended so you can get a foothold?

              Michael: That’s a good question. In this business it would have been a lot harder if I didn’t have the list. But, there are ways. That list was nothing but a group of people who had a common interest. So, let’s say may be you have an idea for a type of market. Let’s say you want to buy and sell materials for neurolinguistic programming. Well, all you have to do is find a group of people who have that common interest. There’s many different way you can get a list.

              Dave: Name one or two.

              Michael: For instance, let’s say it neurolinguistic programming. You can find out through a search on Google neurolinguistic programming associations. I would, first of all, call someone who is really interested in LP and I would say what kind of associations are involved within LP. Who do they hang out with? What kind of groups do they belong to? What websites are very popular? What user groups? You can find groups of anything you want out there on the Internet. You could look to the SRDS. You could probably find a mailing list of people who spend a certain dollar amount on educational material for neurolinguistic programming. And you can send a simple out. And I want to go into this. I wanted to mention a very effective letter that worked for me when I was buying this material and it would work for anyone. The very first letter I would send out was a little flashy, more salesy. And I read an example. It was in some Jay Abraham material of a real estate agent in Australia. And he tested this little note. He would put these little notes on cars saying he was buying and selling cars. And he tested this little yellow post-it-note. And it said, “I think I know someone who may want to buy your car. Give me a call if you’re interested in selling.” So, I did a letter like that. It simply said, “I think I may have a buyer for your Jay Abraham tapes. Give me a call if you’re interested in selling. I’m willing to buy them in any condition and I pay cash up front.” And that letter smoked the original letter. It was just a very effective letter. Real simple, down to earth and you can use that for anything.

              Dave: But to go ahead and build up the momentum as opposed to having the list, that could take quite a long time. So, my question is what would you consider a best shot to be able to minimize time and energy to come up with a list to start with like you did?

              Michael: If you’re going to start you’re going to have to do your homework. And I think the best thing is you can go on your computer and depending on what market you’re thinking about, I would find…

              Dave: Let’s confine it to Jay Abraham stuff. I don’t want to go into competition with you…

              Michael: If you were to find Jay Abraham material, what I told you. I would find someone who attended the seminar.

              Dave: Well, how are you going to do that is my question?

              Michael: Well, you can go onto Ebay and find someone selling Jay Abraham tapes on Ebay and it may be someone who went to the seminar.

              Dave: And he’d have a list or she’d have a list?

              Michael: If he went to the seminar, they would have a list.

              Dave: Right. Okay, great. I appreciate your help.

              Michael: No problem.

              Vanish: And I think on of the things to think about, remember, is that the Ebay auctions are every 30 days. It’s just a fishing game. As you say the foothold is the hard bet. It’s almost like in any of these things. Once you know one or two, they’ll know others and your network grows.

              Michael: All you have to do is ask.

              Vanish: The first five or six people that have Jay Abraham, any marketing material, they are going to be the toughest. As soon as you have three or four, then they’ll start telling you about other people they have met in a network or another presentation. The other angle is perhaps if you’re interested in Jay Abraham, one thing to think of is to think out of the box. People that buy Jay Abraham also buy Gary Halbert. They buy other marketing material. So, may be the best way is not the direct route, directly to that person, but may be to somebody else that saw Gary Halbert. You ask them then do they know somebody that bought Jay Abraham.

              Michael: And I want to add something that’s really important because you just reminded me of something. This was really the amazing thing. Jay Abraham would do joint ventures with all these people. So, let’s say you are an attendee at a Jay Abraham seminar. He was doing joint ventures with Gary Halbert and other people. He would rent his protégé list to Gary Halbert. And then when I would find the set of tapes, sometimes I would find a whole series of Gary Halbert seminars. And that’s how I learned about Gary Halbert because whenever I bought a set of tapes of Jay Abraham material, I bought all the other tapes that person was sold because they were a Jay Abraham customer.

              Dave: He had a library or she had a library…

              Michael: Yes. There’s a good chance if they are interested in Jay Abraham, they’ve bought Gary Halbert, they bought Dan Kennedy. I’d sometimes find all these marketing guys in one purchase.

              Vanish: And one thing that’s very interesting is that flyer thing that you were talking about…you’re looking for Jay Abraham material, but you just use a key word Gary Halbert or marketing material or seminar material. That’s what you buy and sell. People will come and approach you and if you’ve got Jay Abraham they’ll say, “Well, I know that you buy and sell Jay Abraham, but what about my Gary Halbert material or what about this material.” What you’re looking for is people that want to sell. They’ll come along. Worse comes to worse, those people will know other people. You can almost say I buy “XYZ” material just only to find out if they know somebody that’s got Jay Abraham material. Because remember, they will know other people. If you flush them out of the wood…imagine if you did a flyer to a list of people that have bought marketing material. You are talking to all these people. You can ask them then, “Hey, do you know somebody that has Jay Abraham material?” It will eventually lead you there. You have to be like Michael. You have to make some phone calls. Now, does anyone else have a question for Michael?

              Darryl: Actually two things. Michael, what in your opinion was Jay’s best PEQ seminar?

              Michael: My opinion is the best one was the first one. The first one was more freewheeling. There was a lot more information. And then on the second one they edited a lot of the stuff out. And I’ve had a couple of people tell me they like the first one better.

              Darryl: I know Jay has just finished his newest release of the encyclopedia. How long to you think before we’ll see it available?

              Michael: I don’t think we’re going to see it because Jay Abraham had anyone who got that encyclopedia sign an agreement that it wasn’t for sale and that they actually didn’t own it. They were being licensed to use it.

              Darryl: I was on the home study group for this last thing with Brian Tracey. And they said that it was just going to be shipped. I don’t think there was anything we were supposed to be signing. But may be the home study group is an area that you can look at.

              Michael: That’s interesting. Thank you. I appreciate it.

              Vanish: Just coming up to 7:00 p.m. Michael, it’s great talking with you and finding out about your story and the things that you do. If people are interested in wanting to get a set of Jay Abraham tapes or talk to you about their business and what potential input the marketing material could make, what’s the best way for people to contact you?

              Michael: The best way is to pick up the phone and call me. My number is on almost every page of my website. I’m in San Diego. It’s 858-274- 7851 or they can go to my website www.hardtofindseminars.com and email. I’ll call them right back. I want to thank you for listening to www.hardtofindseminars.com. If you want to get in touch with any of the people we interview, please contact Michael at www.hardtofindseminars.com by email. You can email Michael@MichaelSenoff.com or you can call 858-274-7851.