Joe Vitale Interview

The Best Business Risks To Take On The Internet An Interview With Legendary Marketing Expert Joe Vitale

Joe Vitale Free mp3 Interview Download " day, by accident, I stumbled across this site, it totally impacted my life and changed my mind-set about copywriting and the Internet completely. " Jim Davis a true disciple of Michael Senoff

Joe Vitale

Overview :-

Twenty years ago when websites and connections were first forming, Joe Vitale didn’t think anyone would ever be able to make a dime off the Internet. In fact, he wrote an article about it and had it distributed online. The response was incredible, and many people wanted to hire him. He quickly realized how wrong he was. That very article was making him money, off the Internet.

He also realized that e-products were one of the best things to happen to business. With no shipping or printing costs, no warehousing or overhead – the margins were incredible, and the possibilities endless.

So in this audio, you’ll hear how easy, and cheap, it is to take risks on the Internet, especially if you have a little guidance. And Joe Vitale is the perfect guide.

You’ll Also Hear…

• A simple 5-minute exercise that will help you discover the niche that’s right for you
• How to turn your expertise into a quick “special report” to kick your Internet action off
• Two “can’t-miss” ways to make yourself stand out on the Internet
• Exactly where to go to send out free press releases
• The insider secrets of how to form joint ventures and exactly how profits are usually split up
• How to get a small, but extremely profitable, sliver of a completely saturated market – and make money even if you’re just one in a million
• Why "the jury is no longer out" on how effective affiliate marketing can be, and Joe’s take on it all

No matter how bad your situation is right now, just know it’s temporary. Joe says his “overnight success” took him 23 years to accomplish, but with the Internet and a little know-how, you should be able to condense that time to a fraction. (Joe says it’s possible to do it in as little as a month, if you’re really motivated.) And this audio could be the perfect motivator.

Audio Transcript :-

Note: Transcript coming soon...