Most people expect a free lunch when
it comes to making money on the internet.
And because the Internet is full of
fraud, most people only look for magical ways to make their
millions, instead of taking realistic steps.
It’s only after they get burned they start looking for real
And that’s when you look for Ken
Ken McCarthy has been teaching Internet marketing since the
early years back in 1993. So he knows the techniques that
work. And according to him, the beauty of the Internet is
that you don’t have to be a marketing genius to make money.
You just have to be able to respond to
reality. In other words, never guess at how your market will
react to something. Test it; then act on your results.
And in this audio, you’ll hear exactly how to do that.
You’ll Also Learn. . .
• Why you should never be content on simply getting the
first sale
• What's the real goal of every Internet marketing campaign
• How to tweak and apply direct marketing principles from
marketing icons like Eugene Swartz and Gary Halbert to
your sales.
• The most important thing to do when marketing to your
email list
• How “traffic brokers” drive a flood of traffic to
• The book Ken discovered at a used book store that changed
his life forever
• The single most broken rule of Internet marketing. Ken
says you can do everything else right, but still fail if you
do this
Ken has been running conferences on Internet marketing since
the early 1990s, and was the only person Dan Kennedy trusted
to talk about it at his seminars. His well-rounded, yet
grounded, approach tackles all elements that make up a
“no-BS” online marketing strategy including SEO,
pay-per-clicks, traffic generation, direct marketing, and
And in this interview, you’ll hear how you can start taking
realistic steps toward your Internet marketing goals today.