Mike Pavlish Interview On Copywriting
Mike Pavlish Interview & Seminar Free mp3 download..."One day, by accident, I stumbled across this site, it totally impacted my life and changed my mind-set about marketing and the Internet completely. " Jim Davis a true disciple of Michael Senoff
Mike Pavlish
Over the last few years, Mike Pavlish has made millions of dollars as an A list copywriter. Established in 1988 and with over 1,000 projects, Mike Pavlish has become one of the world’s leading copywriters for direct marketing pros and entrepreneurs in the fields of Health, Investment and Information Products and Services sold online and offline. He has written winning copy for clients like, Jay Abraham, Gary Halbert, Howard Ruff, Prentice-Hall, Campbell's Soup, Rio Las Vegas Hotel and Casino, Phillips Publishing, and many more
.Mike Pavlish knows the ins and outs of the trade and the little known angles that bring in big winners. And he’s found that today’s market is significantly different than it was even just a few years ago. In fact, he says much of the advice given nowadays is not only outdated and wrong– but it’s costing entrepreneurs serious money.So in this interview, you’ll hear how to make sure your copywriting is current for the consumers of today. These consumers have grown skeptical about overly hyped products and outrageous claims. They also don’t have time to read through mountains of copy, especially if it sounds like something they’ve already heard before.
Fortunately, though, there are specific techniques that appeal to this new generation of consumers, and in this interview, Mike’s going to reveal what he’s learned over the years.
It is a little-known secret that these same techniques and concepts work in online marketing just like they do in direct mail.Here’s What’s Waiting For You In This Interview . . .
• The secrets on how to write the headlines that stop readers in their tracks.
• How to work your copy so it’s fresh for today’s market – consumers avoid the same old, same old – and so should you
• How to use a focus groups to ferrite out hidden objections about your product.
• How to use online news groups to uncover what people really want
• What’s most important for winning promotions - if you think it’s the headline, the offer or the list – think again
• How to structure your fees so you don’t loose the shirt off your back.
• Sneaky little tricks to maximize your profits from direct mail
• And much, much moreIf you are a direct marketer, follow Mike Pavlishe’s advice and it won’t be long before you’re years ahead of the competition. This interview is 60 minutes. Press the play button to start the interview, print the transcripts or right click to download the mp3 file below.
Michael: Mike, how much do you earn as a copywriter?
Mike: Michael, to give you an idea, in recent years alone, I’ve paid taxes on income of over $4.2 million dollars.
Michael: Now, I’m sure when you first started, it wasn’t always like that. I want you to take me back to the beginning. How did these all started?
Mike: I started copywriting in 1978 and the reason I did was, as an entrepreneur, I owned businesses that relied heavily on sales and marketing. I had to sell my own products and get leads for my sales force.
Michael: What were some of the businesses you owned.
Mike: One of them was like a ValPack type business. I had 14 salespeople and I wrote the direct mail to get leads for them.
Michael: Was it a franchise deal or you started it on your own?
Mike: No, it was my own. And interestingly enough, it’s the same company as I have today, which is Profit Boosters.
Michael: Really? So, what was the idea? You were selling advertising to local businesses to advertise with your Profit Boosters Direct Mail Pack?
Mike: Right.
Michael: So you wrote copy to get potential advertisers to contact you?
Mike: Right. And the next business I was in was Rare Coins. As an investor and collector myself, I started an investment company that sold investors rare investment coins, and I did the copywriting for that.
Michael: Were you at the same time getting all the newsletters like Gary North?
Mike: Yes, and Howard Ruff, in fact I did copywriting for Howard Ruff.
Michael: I’m going to guess, that’s where - maybe you’re introduced to Jay Abraham and Gary Halbert and all those guys.
Mike: Yes.
Michael: Were you studying any of the copywriting masters?
Mike: I was studying John Caples. I still think he has the best books for a person who wants to become a great copywriter. I also learned a lot from scientific advertising by Claude Hopkins. I also highly recommend Eugene Schwartz and Gary Bencivenga.
Michael: What do you think of Gary Halbert’s stuff? Did you know him?
Mike: Yes, I was friends Gary for many, many years.
Michael: How were you introduced to him?
Mike: I was introduced to Gary by Tony Keyes who had a company in Las Vegas. Actually, what happened with Gary Halbert was funny. It was right before my wedding in 1990. He wanted me to speak at one of his seminars that cost people at that time $5,000 a person. It was in Marathon, Florida where he lived. But the date was only four days before my wedding, and I told him that. He said, “Screw the wedding, this is important.” So I came down and spoke there. My wife got to relax before the wedding, so it worked out good. And then I spoke at his seminar of the century in Los Angeles.
Michael: Did you study his stuff and read his newsletter?
Mike: Yes.
Michael: Where you impressed with his skills as a copywriter? Did you learn from him?
Mike: Yes, most definitely.
Michael: How about Ben Suarez, did you ever meet him?
Mike: Yes, I have. I’ve written for him and his companies.
Michael: You’ve written for him, okay. Is Dan Kennedy from your area, too?
Mike: Yes. I just saw Dan Kennedy a couple weeks ago. Dan is only about 20 miles from me.
Michael: How else did you improve your copywriting?
Mike: I try to be on every mailing list. I get tons of direct mail packages from marketers. When I see the same ones over and over again, I know it’s a winner and I study it. A lot of what is being told to direct marketers today on copywriting to sell their product is a bad advice to put it mildly and just wrong, to put it bluntly! It’s going to cost them a fortune in lost revenue because what works in copywriting now … is totally different from what worked best in copywriting even just a few years ago!
Michael: Based on your experience, your long track record of legendary success, what really works best today?
Mike: Let me start with headlines. Common advice is that headlines should use so-called power words and give outrageous promises to get people’s attention and interest. Their theory is the louder you yell, the more you’re going to sell. Well, the truth is people have a built-in “Bullshit Detector” these days, so the more hyperbole and power words you put into a headline, the worse it will pull! Let me give you a couple actual examples. This headline is for a pain relief supplement. There are two headlines that were tested. The first was, “This amazing pain eliminator instantly erases back pain from your body with no drugs and no surgery,” and the second headline was, “The new way to end your back pain.” The first headline is chosen as the winner by most people, but it lost in an actual test. The second headline got 237% more orders. The reason is it has the news factor to it. People want to hear what’s new and what’s news and it doesn’t use the so-called power words. It is more believable. That’s another copywriting secret for breakthrough response and profits. I call it the “differential transformation element.” These days you have to immediately say in your copy what you’re selling and what makes it different or unique or better. People aren’t going to even read a promotion it if they think it’s the same old, same old. Like if you’re trying to sell them, let’s say a pain relief supplement that has glucosamine and MSM in it, because that’s what every other pain relief supplement in the world contains. You have to tell them right up front what’s new, what makes your product unique and different to gain their readership.
Michael: Yes, that makes sense. You’ve got to do your research to stand out compared to everything else out there.
Mike: Yes, bingo, bingo, bingo. The key word there is research. That’s what copywriters and direct marketers don’t do enough. You must research to find what the market wants the most, and what they’re not getting now that you can give them! That can only be done through hard painstaking research and it takes dozens and dozens of hours.
Michael: I’d love to know your process on the research.
Mike: OK. I do a lot of copywriting for natural health supplements like anti- aging, pain relief, men’s potency and prostate, memory, vision, heart health, internal cleansing et cetera. Today I’m working on a project from an old client for a vitamin B-12 and folate patch. My experience tells me, if I try to sell another B-12 product, it’s just too vanilla, too common and people don’t see the need for it, or they can just buy it at Wal-Mart. So I researched and found out the nutrient folate has to be added to vitamin B-12 in the right dosages to make it most effective. My research also revealed that vitamin B-12 deficiency is a very common problem. I then researched the medical journals to find studies that made my case about the deficiency and why folate needs to be included. I researched further and found out all the different health problems that are affected by vitamin B-12 deficiency. All this research led me to a concept that there’s a link that brings all these health problems together, and now you can relieve these health problems with this product.
Michael: Are others selling a similar product?
Mike: Sure, but nobody else is using my unique hook I discovered from research.
Michael: So you research supplement information and also how competition is selling the product?
Mike: Yes.
Michael: All right. So you knew the competition. This project you’re working on, is it a direct mail letter or space ad?
Mike: It’s going to be a 12-page sale letter. It will be used online and also for direct mail.
Michael: Are you trying to position your product differently?
Mike: Absolutely.
Michael: There are some medical studies that are not that credible. How do you know which are the credible studies?
Mike: Well, the most credible studies are those published in a major medical journal, double-blind and placebo-controlled.
Michael: How does all your research come together for this product?
Mike: This is rough, the headline will be “new medical research reveals the natural missing link solution for fatigue, memory loss, weak brittle bones, joint pain and other health problems.”
Michael: You also use live focus groups for your research. Tell me what a focus group is and how you use it in your research?
Mike: I have a group of 10 people that are in my office complex that I bring together about once a week and buy them lunch. They are my focus group for an hour. I show them headlines, ask them questions, ask them what they’re objections about the product would be, and things of that nature. And then, if I need to, I’ll go to a larger focus group.
Michael: So, have you been doing this for many years?
Mike: Yes, for about 20 years.
Michael: Just to get outside opinions.
Mike: I want to know what the average person, my prospect, is thinking about my product and the issue it deals with.
Michael: Can you give me an example how one of your focus groups helped your copywriting results?
Mike: Sure. When my focus group learned of the study results, they seemed very interested in the product. So I asked how many take a vitamin B- 12 supplement now. None did. I asked; “Okay, well, why don’t you take one?” And the consensus was “Well, I think a deficiency would show up in my exam with my doctor,” or “I think it would show up in any blood tests I have done.” Aha! That tells me it’s an order- stopping objection I have to address right upfront in my copywriting.
Michael: Did that come up for real?
Mike: Yes. People don’t want to pay for a B-12 supplement because, they reason that if they were deficient in it, they’re doctor would tell them because it would show up in their blood test. For more exclusive interviews on business, marketing, advertising and copywriting, go to Michael Senoff’s http://www.hardtofindseminars.com.
Michael: So, let’s go back to the research, your focus group, scientific journals that published studies and you mentioned online news group. So, I mean, how are you using the online discussion groups for your research?
Mike: l find it valuable to read the discussions from common, everyday people about the product or service I’m selling. I find many golden nuggets here I use to make my copywriting more effective. One client told me he pays me the big bucks because I don’t guess. I find out for sure what people want and I give it to them. I mold the product as much as possible to what the prospects want most and overcome their objections. I may not be the greatest copywriter out there, but I outwork my competition that’s why I win most of the time. I do the hard work.
Michael: And the hard work is the research mainly, right?
Mike: It’s the research, then the mental work of figuring out what concept will pull the most orders, and how most effectively to present it.
Michael: So, tell me about part of your operation at your company. What does it look like?
Mike: I have two full-time copywriters that work with me here.
Michael: Have they been with you for a long time?
Mike: One 13 years, one 6½ years.
Michael: Are they employees or are they like independent contractors?
Mike: They are employees with full benefits. They are level A copywriters themselves.
Michael: Do you have a secretary?
Mike: No.
Michael: So between the three of you, you’re doing all your own research?
Mike: Correct.
Michael: How do you work with your two employees? Do you all have a meeting, and you say. “Here’s the new project?” Like if I was sitting in a meeting, how do you get started on this project? What do you say? What’s your process? The reason I’m projecting this is there’s a lot of people listening that have existing copywriting businesses and maybe they want to take it to the next step and aspire to be as successful as you and have a long term career and may be given idea what it could look like.
Mike: My way is my way. It may not work for them. But in my way, I’m involved heavily in all stages of a new direct mail piece or a new Internet sales letter or a new space ad. I’ve never been able to outsource the job of doing the hard mental work of finding out what’s going to make this health supplement or this information product or this investment newsletter a multimillion dollar winner, that I have to do by myself.
Michael: So when you write copy, do you type it or write it out or long hand?
Mike: I prefer to first write things out long hand.
Michael: Lots of copywriters say the headline is the most important element of success, do you agree?
Mike: It’s not that simple. First, I would say the most important thing if you want to make millions of dollars from direct marketing your product or service is that you choose the right market and the right product. You can make a fortune in certain markets, but other markets and products are a long uphill battle.
Michael: What are your favorite markets to write copy for?
Mike: I specialize in four market areas: The natural health supplement field, the financial investment field, the business opportunity field and the information products field.
Michael: With health supplements and information, is the aging of the population making this field bigger and bigger, stronger and stronger?
Mike: Yes.
Michael: What’s the best field today?
Mike: It depends on the product. It depends on the timing. It depends on the skill set of the business owner and his team and how much money they have for marketing.
Michael: How about - was that type of market, pain relief and herbal products - being an entrepreneur, there’s an inherent risk in being involved in that type of industry where you’ve got to be real careful with claims, right?
Mike: The two key things are number one, hire a copywriter that is experienced in that field. Number two, have an attorney that specializes in direct marketing law for the natural health field review the copy, and sign off on it.
Michael: On your website samples, I saw the Berry Trim diet promotion and I know that was a huge success.. Did you write the copy for that one?
Mike: Yes, I did.
Michael: Tell me the story about that.
Mike: The mailing in its various incarnations over five, six or seven year period was probably the most mailed diet promotion ever in the United States.
Michael: Give some on the idea of the volume of direct mail pieces mail per year on a huge winner like that.
Mike: It mailed 25 to 30 million pieces a year.
Michael: Was it originally a tear sheet?
Mike: Yes, it was.
Michael: Okay, were tear sheets new at that time? Was it that format that made it really successful?
Mike: That was a part of it. And then you had the celebrity factor with the ex- TV star. Gary Halbert wrote the original version.
Michael: Did he make millions and millions on that promotion?
Mike: I don’t know.
Michael: And what was your involvement in it?
Mike: My involvement was to beat the control.
Michael: Did the client come to you?
Mike: Yes, and I beat the control and it remained the control for over two years until the owner finally retired the project.
Michael: How did you beat the control mailing?
Mike: I used the news angle. I went with more of a news angle and my headline was: Doctors and TV star reveal how a new discovery from Asia helps overcome the chemical imbalance that keeps people fat.
Michael: How much did your copywriting beat the control by? When you’re mailing millions of pieces, a very small amount can mean a lot of money.
Mike: My copywriting beat the control by 32% if memory serves.
Michael: Wow, that’s significant. Can you give us other case study?
Mike: Yes. Agora is a very large and successful direct marketer. They publish newsletters on natural health and have business opportunity offers.
Michael: Did you deal with Bill Bonner, the founder?
Mike: Yes, but he also has a marketing director for each division. The first copywriting I did for Agora was a huge winner. Then they flew me to Baltimore to meet with their key people.
Michael: So once you hit a winner for them you were like gold to them.
Mike: Yes.
Michael: I know your copywriting for their natural health and financial investment products brought those millions and millions of dollars.
Mike: Correct. Nina Rose from Agora gave me a testimonial that says “Mike Pavlish’s copywriting has been extremely profitable for us over the past seven years, one promotion after another. He consistently beats the best copywriters in the world that we hire.”
Michael: That’s very strong.
Michael: I’ve heard that clients hire you to come up with new product ideas. Is that true?
Mike: Oh sure. For example, I came up with a very profitable new product idea and promotion based on the nutritional supplement Nattokinase which comes from soybeans in Japan. I discovered it from reading a European medical journal, which published a study on it. I positioned it as the Japanese Secret To A Healthy Heart, which it is, and how Japanese people live much longer than Americans and have much less heart disease. It was a grand-slam home run for my client.
Michael: Impressive. I see why copywriter Bob Bly called you “an A+ genius” and why Gary Halbert said “Mike Pavlish is a tremendous copywriter”.
Mike: Well thank you very much.
Michael: Can I get another big success story from you please?
Mike: Sure. Michael Lombardi at Lombardi Publishing is one of the largest direct mailers in the world for financial investment newsletters, natural health newsletters and business opportunity offers. I was consulting for him about developing new newsletters. I said I thought a newsletter about how to make money off the boom in China could be a big winner. He agreed, so I named the newsletter and did copywriting for a direct mail promotion that was very successful. My headline for it was: The New Microsoft of China. The reason it proved so successful is everybody knew about the economic boom in China and everyone knew about the amazing success of Microsoft stock since the company started. I just put the two together to illustrate a ground-floor investment situation So again, the hardest work is in the research and the imagination of putting things together from different sources to create a breakthrough winner.
Michael: Yes, how long did the copywriting take for that?
Mike: I think about six weeks.
Michael: I know there’s a range of copywriting fees listed on your website. What have you found over the years to be the best the way to structure fees as a professional copywriter?
Mike: My fee structure is a base fee plus a royalty if my copywriting is successful.
Michael: In addition to your base fee, how much of a royalty do you charge if your copywriting proves successful?
Mike: For direct mail, my standard royalty is $50 for each 1,000 mailings the client sends out.
Michael: Is it for as long as they mail?
Mike: Yes.
Michael: How do you monitor that? Can’t they lie to you about how many mailings they do?
Mike: I know the mailing list brokers; I’m seeded on most every mailing list especially in the niches that I write in. I know the reputation of people. If a person tries to play games, I can prove my case and I go after them aggressively.
Michael: So, we talk about list brokers. There’s not much information out there on list brokers.
Mike: Yes, they’re secretive little bunch, aren’t they?
Michael: Yes, they are. What advice could you give entrepreneurs about list brokers compared to maybe getting a subscription to the SRDS direct mailing list and doing your research on your own? Is it good to have a list broker?
Mike: Well, I have a theory that only 2% of people in any profession are really very good at it – I mean exceptional. If you find that 2% in a copywriter and the list broker, it’s gold. Yes it’s very important because there’s a lot of tricks to direct mail that novices don’t know until they get to the top level, like you can get deals where you are the first mailer that can mail a certain list, and a competitor can’t mail it until at least seven days after that. So, it’s fresh name and he hasn’t been mailed to 20 times before.
Michael: So, for instance you will see a list with hotlines and you’ll negotiate for first position?
Mike: You’ll have a huge advantage.
Michael: That’s a great secret. Can you give me something else like that on mailing lists?
Mike: I tell you where a lot of people go wrong in renting mailing lists that do not work for them. They rent the list and they don’t pay attention to the source of the list or the terms of the offer. Let’s say you rent a list of names but the people didn’t have to pay any money upfront or only paid $5 shipping and handling. But the data card for this mailing list says people paid $100 which maybe they did but it was from a soft offer.
Michael: So, what you’re saying is some of these data cards may not be accurate?
Mike: You have to dig. You have to research into these data cards and find out how was it sold? What were the terms?
Michael: So, whose job is it to dig out that information? The broker’s job, is that why he’s there? Can he provide that service? Can he get the original piece of that list was generated from? A good list broker, is that what he’s there for?
Mike: Absolutely.
Michael: The broker does that. So, if you have a list owner who’s not willing to do that or can’t verify the source of the list or how was it generated, you better move on?
Mike: Run don’t walk.
Michael: Other than your copywriting business, do you have other entrepreneurial ventures going
Mike: Yes, I have two successful direct marketing businesses now.
Michael: Do you like that better than the actual copywriting business? Is it more profitable?
Mike: Yes and no.
Michael: You hear people say “if he’s such a great copywriter then why doesn’t he write his own copy and get rich instead of for other people?”
Mike: I do write copy for myself and sell my own products. Marketers should ask that, yes, absolutely. But the other side of the coin is, just because a copywriter does not sell its own products, that does not mean he’s not a great copywriter.
Michael: I agree.
Mike: A completely different skill set is required for success.
Michael: You like to put specific numbers in your headlines, don’t you? I love to. One of the best headlines I ever wrote was for a healthcare savings membership. It was: “How to save $1,435.23 yearly on your healthcare –guaranteed—for only 74 cents a day.”
Michael: Do you structure your fees differently when you’re doing a beat the control piece compared to fresh piece that there’s no copy written for it previously?
Mike: My fee is the same for both because maybe I’m not very bright, but I need to spend a lot of time in a beat the control scenario because it’s harder to beat a big winner than come up with new copywriting. So while I’m writing fewer words, I may spend more time on it overall.
Michael: When you’re trying to beat a control, do you write new copy and build a new concept? Or will you look for weaknesses in the existing control and try to improve on what’s already working?
Mike: It depends on what I think is necessary to come up with something that makes millions of dollars in profits. I would say half of time I do new copy, half of the time I do more of a “tweak”.
Michael: Do you have clients you’ve written for long term?
Mike: Yes, I do. Most of the copywriting I do now is for clients who’ve been hiring me consistently for 10, 15, even 20 years or more.
Michael: Let me ask you this question. How do you handle the copyright issues? Do you keep control of the copyright and license the client to use your copy?
Mike: No, my client owns everything.
Michael: Do you do consulting and what are your fees?
Mike: Yes, I do a lot of consulting for direct marketers. I look at their business to improve their profits, product development, business development, new product ideas, copywriting, new testing ideas, etc. One day is the minimum and its $5,400.00 plus expenses.
Michael: What if I want to get in to the copywriting business. What advice would you have to get that first client?
Mike: I think the copywriting field is more overcrowded now than anytime I’ve ever seen. I would not recommend anyone get into it now.
Michael: Why is that? Is it the proliferation of how to make money as a copywriting courses?
Mike: Yes. Most direct marketers have 20 or more copywriters trying to sell them now.
Michael: So all these inexperienced copywriters are soliciting direct marketers to hire them to do copywriting?
Mike: Yes, and the best marketers just turn down all newer copywriters because of this. They’re just so many amateurs that are approaching them and they just stick with ones they know are good. It doesn’t make any financial sense for them spending all their time and money with the amateurs.
Michael: Well, how do they break in? Let’s say there are some very talented copywriters out there, they may not even realize they’re an A-level but they want to break in.
Mike: I don’t have a good answer. It’s not a good market anymore as I see it. But if it’s someone’s dream, I don’t want to take away their dream.
Michael: I hear you are often booked up for months in advance?
Mike: Yes.
Michael: So, once you get in, and you deliver a great result, that’s what can happen?
Mike: Yes.
Michael: Have you used audio interviews in any of your promotions that came in the mail with a sales letter or any feedback or advice on how to use audio components in pumping up response in the mailing or a website?
Mike: I think it’s a no-brainer to test in certain situations
Michael: I appreciate all the copywriting secrets and tips you revealed to me from a true copywriting legend. How can the listeners find out more about your copywriting?
Mike: They can go to my website www.profitboosterscopy.com On this website, there’s samples, helpful articles and more. If they meet what I’m looking for in a client, they can call me at (330) 963-0330.
Michael: That’s the end of our interview with legendary copywriterMike Pavlish. If you’d like to email Mike, please email him at prboosters@aol.com or contact Mike through his website. www.profitboosterscopy.com. Thanks for listening.