Tamara Lowe Interview
Tamara Lowe Interview "Listen...I've been searching Health and Wellness information for over two years. Then one day, by accident, I stumbled across this site, it totally impacted my life and changed my mind-set about completely. " Jim Davis a true disciple of Michael Senoff
Tamara Lowe
Tamara Lowe, motivational speaker and author of the best-selling book "Get Motivated" has discovered amazing secrets to motivation which are so powerful you can use them to achieve even the loftiest of goals. In fact, these motivational secrets are so potent you can even use them to motivate other people to succeed. In this interview, Tamara Lowe tells us how to crack the motivational code and get wired to be inspired.
Here's what you're going to learn in this interview:
According to Tamara Lowe, each of us is motivated in a unique way. If you feel like you're not living up to your potential, it is probably because you do not understand what best motivates you. No one ever said that success has to be painful! You can motivate yourself to achieve anything you desire by honoring who you are as an individual and doing things you enjoy. Once you listen to this interview, you'll understand how motivation works and there will be no limit to what you can achieve. This interview is 38 minutes. Enjoy!
Once you listen to this interview, you'll understand how motivation works and there will be no limit to what you can achieve. This interview is 38 minutes. Enjoy!
Tamara: Meditation, I believe really is at the heart of success. I’m sure that you’ve meet people, I’ve meet people, who had tremendous intelligence, and talent, and opportunity, and education, and yet they never really did anything with their lives. Why is that? I believe it’s because of a lack of motivation, and it really is true that motivated people do better in life. They enjoy better relationships, they make more money, they have a higher quality of life, better health. The more motivated you are the better you do in life. Get Motivated is based on an eight year study that my team and I did with ten thousand people. And what we found is that everybody is hard-wired with a precise motivational code. And we use the term motivational DNA and that stands for Drives, Needs, and Awards, so just as your genetic DNA dictates how tall you are and the color of your hair, your motivational DNA dictates exactly how you are best motivated. What motivates you and what de-motivates you. Motivational DNA is made up of six universal factors and these are things that motivate everybody. Every single person on planet earth is motivated by all six of these things. Under drive, there is the drive for production or the drive for connection, and so people are generally more people oriented or more task oriented. I myself am a producer, I’m more task oriented. Under needs, everyone has a core need for either stability or variety. Stabilizers enjoy routine, organization systems, structure; variables are quite the opposite. They love flying by the seat of their pants, they like lots of new experiences, new activities. They have a hard time staying on task because there’s so many things that interest them. And then finally there is awards. Awards are how a person desires to be compensated for achievement; the material, spiritual, and psychological currencies that they want to be paid for performance. And everyone has either an internal or an external awards system. Internals are motivated by contribution. Now everybody wants to be paid a fair wage for their work, but internals are primarily motivated by outcome not so much by income. They’re not as concerned about making a buck as they are about making a difference. Externals are not the complete opposite. Externals also care about contribution but externals are motivated by tangible benefits and material rewards. That’s what makes them feel esteemed and valued.
Chris: So it sounds like if you’re going to motivate somebody you better darn well speak their motivational language.
Tamara: Oh absolutely, and I’ll give you an example with my children. I have two children; two boys. Zack is fifteen and Blaze is ten. And Blaze kind of came out of the womb obedient, you know, he’s just an easy kid. Any nit wit can parent Blaze because he has a desire to please. Zack on the other hand was moody, and contrary, and negative. Again, essentially since he came out of the womb. And I kind of assumed that I had one child who was highly motivated and the other child was not motivated. But I actually have two really, really motivated kids but I was motivating one of them incorrectly. And in fact, I was so unskilled at motivating Zack that I was actually de-motivating him. And really, the tipping point for me in writing Get Motivated was not how well this motivational DNA system works in business or in my personal life, it was how well it worked with my kids. And with Zack, once I cracked the code of his motivational DNA and began to motivate him correctly, it was shocking how quickly this kid turned around. The child who complained about every chore was suddenly offering to take out the trash and cleaning up his room without being asked. The kid who did not care about his grades, nothing I said helped, all of a sudden in one semester went from a 2.8 grade point average to a 4.0, and we have not seen a B or a C on his report card in years. He’s a 4.0 student now, and the reason is because, this is seen now okay, as parents we don’t want to motivate our children, we want to teach them the secrets of being self-motivated. That’s what I talk about in Get Motivated. It’s not just simply motivating others but teaching them to be self-motivated by appealing to the way they were designed to be motivated. Well actually, Zack and I have a very similar motivational type, and we were locking horns in part because we’re both producers. And with a producer, they are leadership driven and they want control. So with Zack, once I recognized that about him I realized I need to give him structured freedom. I need to honor his leadership abilities and help him hone those things. And producers are very competitive, and so I noticed with my son that he was very competitive particularly with his best friend, and his best friend is a 4.0 student. And so, after the kids had gotten their report cards, I told Zack and his friend Colton, I said “listen, I want to put a little challenge on the table for you. Next quarter, whoever has the highest GPA on your report card is going to get two hundred dollars,” and so game on. These two kids are super motivated. So Zack, from that point on, I’m telling you Chris I never had to tell him, “do your homework,” or “study,” or anything like that. I haven’t said anything like that in years. But from that point on, he became self motivated. And at the end of the quarter, I have to tell you, he did not win the prize. His grade point average jumped from a 2.8 to a 3.8. His friend won the prize. But the next quarter Zack was 4.0. At the end of the term he was 4.0. I’ve never offered him another penny in reward but he’s been 4.0 ever since.
Chris: One thing we noticed is that you are donating 100 percent of the royalties from Get Motivated to children’s charities. Tamara, what inspired you to do this?
Tamara: Well for me that was part of my motivational DNA actually. I’m what we call an internal. I have an internal reward system, and I’m motivated by contribution. So it was never my desire to write a book, it was my desire to make a difference, and to make a contribution. And I’m really pleased to say that I feel that this book has done that. And I think that people get that because right now Get Motivated is number one on Amazon, it’s number two on U.S.A. Today’s best sellers list, it’s number two on the Wall Street Journal best seller list, and we just got word that it’s going to be on the New York Times best seller list next week. So I think it’s really struck a chord, and the reason is that it’s providing real tangible value. It’s providing value to the children’s charities that we’re supporting, and I have a list of those in the book. And it will just break your heart the amazing things that these guys are doing for kids. And it provides value in other ways too. In fact I want to give our listeners a gift now about the pay with me Chris, if they go onto GetMotivatedBook.com, go online to GetMotivatedBook.com, you can take a free motivational DNA test and that will tell you your exact motivational DNA, it will give you some types of gold achievement, and it will tell you what motivates you, what de-motivates you. You can do it in less than five minutes. It’s absolutely free. The computer calculates your results. And I encourage you to do this not just for yourself, but do it for your children, for your spouse, because the more you understand how you’re wired to be inspired, the better your results are going to be.
Chris: You also Tamara, mention that you’re giving away twelve hundred dollars worth of free gifts to anyone that buys Get Motivated. That’s incredible! What gifts are those?
Tamara: Well, we’re doing something so cool Chris. This has never been done before in publishing history. And that is, at the end of every chapter I give the reader a free gift. So there are 16 chapters, and all 16 free gifts in all. And, it’s not a book. This far exceeds a book! It’s a whole success system. So you get tickets to my world famous Get Motivated seminars where we have the greatest speakers and leaders in the world on stage. I just got back from one in fact, Momento, where we had Colin Powell and we had Rudy Giuliani, and Zig Ziglar, and Steve Forbes, and Michael Phelps, and we had Dr. Earl Mandel who wrote the bestselling book on health of all time. And it’s just an amazing wonderful day. That’s just one of the gifts. You also get webinars and podcasts. There is 20 bestselling book summaries. There’s 20 time management forms and tools. There is a goal achievement blueprint. I mean the list goes on, and on, and on. And so, the book in itself is fantastic, but when you add to it all of these other elements that are a part of the book, it’s an absolute no brainer. I actually lost 25 pounds writing the book, just by using the principles that we discovered in this whole research study that we did on motivational DNA. And the proof of pudding with is in the eating. Like this stuff really, really works! And there’s no shortage of diets. Would you agree? I mean there’s millions of them, and they’re cranking more out every day. There’s no shortage of exercise gismos on the market. What the problem is is that there’s a shortage of motivation. It’s tapping into our motivational code so that we can stick to something long enough for it to take effect. I’m a motivational speaker. It’s what I do for a living, and I don’t suppose there’s a more easy profession to say to a motivational speaker; kind of caricatured and for good reason. I mean, on the market you will find tons of books and they’re all saying the same thing. They’re so repetitive in that whole genre of motivation. “I can do it, you can do it, rah rah,” “work smarter not harder,” and “keep a positive attitude.” All of those things are great but it’s so incredible boring and tripe because we’ve heard the same thing over and over again. So what I wanted to do with Get Motivated was not just to introduce this system that really works, but also to write a really good book that people are going to enjoy reading, and that is going to be fun and engaging. And I really do believe that we’ve done that successfully and I’m really thrilled about that. For more interviews with the world’s top health and medical experts, go to Michael Senoff’s
Chris: Now Tamara, you’ve worked with some of the greatest leaders and the most admired people in the world. And in your book, you described Mother Teresa as being the most contented people that you’ve ever known. Tamara, what was it like working with Mother Teresa?
Tamara: One of the great privileges of my life time, and I’ll tell you Chris, I am so humbled and so awed by the opportunities that I’ve been afforded. When people see me on stage with people like a Mother Teresa, or Billy Graham, or a president, or a prime minister, they probably don’t realize where I’ve come from. I was a drop out. I have an eighth grade education. I was a drug addict and a dealer. I started doing drugs when I was ten. By the time I was twelve I was dealing. I really believe that if there is a message to my life my message is this; is that it doesn’t matter where you came from, it doesn’t matter what you know or who you know, you have a million chances to succeed. Failure isn’t final. Failure is only final if you quit. Everybody has a sad story. Don’t tell me your sad story, I got one of my own, and so does every other person on the planet. But we can’t use that as a lifetime excuse for failure. I did have kind of a moment of clarity, and I do remember at one point having the conscious thought, “all of my friends are dying.” And it was true, all of my friends died before they were 30 years old. And I would have been one of them. And for me, that was a wakeup call. I got help. That in part is why motivation is not just a profession for me, it’s a mission. Because I want to see people do better in their lives, and I know that it’s possible.
Chris: And one of the things you talked about in Get Motivated is how to raise positive and self-motivated children, so you can you kind of give us a blueprint for that Tamara?
Tamara: Well, the first thing that you need to know is how your kids are motivated. And everybody is motivated differently. And in the book I talk about a motivational code, motivational DNA. And I use the example of an electronic safe, which I have a safe in my home, and it’s programmed to open when you put in six digits in the correct sequence. Now if you put those numbers in incorrectly, a fast beeping noise lets you know that you didn’t do it right and you need to do it again. If you do it wrong three times, the safe will not open. It absolutely shuts down and even if you put in the correct numbers it will not open. And it is the exact same thing with children. If we motivate them incorrectly, they shut down. And the tragic thing really is that as parents and teachers we then tend to look at those children and classify them as unmotivated and relate to them in a certain way because we think the problem is with them but the problem is actually that we put in the wrong numbers. And the vault can open up but you have to know how your kids are wired to be inspired. I’ve had a real privilege of being able to train educators all across the county. I’ve worked with thousands of public school teachers and administrators, as well as private school teachers and administrators, and the fact of the matter is that there is a crisis of motivation in our educational system. More than half of the teachers who start in the profession leave within the first five years, and they sight unmotivated students as one of the reasons for that. And so, I began a project where I asked award winning teachers to share their secrets. Now at the time I had no idea that those answers that they gave would correlate so exactly, identically, with my research in motivational DNA, but they do. And so I list the seven things; I can tell you what they are. It’s create a space for students to contribute, honor them as individuals, make it fun for them to come to school, establish structure, make the rules known along with the consequences for violating the rules, but when they need to be implemented you implement those consequences gently, without anger. Identify each student’s special abilities and talents, reward achievement through recognition, and also through tangible awards. So those are the seven things and all seven of those things interestingly to me are wrapped up in this whole concept of motivational DNA. Again for our listeners, you can go online to GetMotivatedBooks.com, and there is a test online that you can take that will tell you what motivates you, what motivates your children. You answer 30 questions, it takes less than five minutes to do it, absolutely free, and I strongly encourage you to go online and take that test. A lot of teachers now have taken hold of this and are using it successfully in their classrooms. I hear nothing but good reports. I’ll tell you, to this day I’ve worked with I don’t know how many hundreds of thousands of teachers, not one of them has come back to me and said, “This does not work.” When the teachers use it, it absolutely works because it’s a child honoring approach; it’s a student honoring approach rather than force feeding the kids a set of facts. I’m a mother and as a mother I don’t want my children simply to acquire facts, I want my children to develop a love of learning. I want them to be lifelong learners. And that’s what this system really does. It instigates that. A lot of times parents tell me that their teenagers are unmotivated. And I generally challenge that assumption and I say, “You’re children, you’re teenagers are not unmotivated, in fact they’re highly motivated. They’re motivated to do the things that they want to do. They’re motivated to watch T.V., listen to music, surf the net, text, talk on the phone to their friends, shop, play video games, and they’re in lies the rub.” How can you motivate teenagers to do what you want them to do? I respectfully submit that perhaps we’re asking the wrong question. Our job as the parents, grandparents, and teachers of teenage children is not to make them do what they don’t want to do, but to help them successfully navigate the teen years and equip them for adult hood. And our job as parents is really to help our kids get through the teenage years without becoming a casualty of war. And there’s a metaphor that I like to use sometimes that “the teenage years are like a turbulent alligator infested river, and our goal is to help our children get through that river without being tossed overboard.” The teenage years is like our kids riding in a little canoe down this raging river, and we have to make sure that we’re not rocking the boat on nonessential issues so that they lose their footing. I’m just going to tell you that my observation and experience is that it is better to ignore the messy bedroom and close the door, and save the big guns for critical confrontations about safety and morality. I think that most parents, good parents, would agree that we don’t want our teenagers getting pregnant, we don’t want our sons to be creating babies in their teenage years, and we don’t want our daughters to be getting pregnant. We don’t want our children to be on drugs. We don’t want our kids to be lying to us and doing things that they shouldn’t do behind our backs. These are the kind of critical issues. We want our kids to be healthy, and happy, and well adjusted, and end up being productive contributing members of society. Those are the essentials. Whether your boy’s socks are on the ground or your teenager is always on the phone, those are nonessential issues. Those aren’t worth locking horns over.
Chris: In Get Motivated you talk about eight ways to win in your relationships.
Tamara: The book is really four books in one. And that part that you’re talking about there is on strategic goal achievements. So we talked in part one about how to motivate yourself. Part two is on how to trigger peak performance in other people. Part three is on how to motivate your kids from toddlers to young adults. And part four is on strategic goal achievement. And this is actually, we have a really beautiful review from Publishers Weekly and this was the thing that they really loved about the book, is that we have a goal achievement blueprint. And it takes you from the beginning of your toughest goals, don’t bring me your easy goals bring me your toughest goals, and I’m going to show you step by step how to use the motivational DNA to achieve those. And it really works. Fitness magazine recently named Get Motivated as one of their best books for 2009, so we’re really thrilled about that. But you’re asking about relationship secrets, and in the last chapter of the book I go through what I believe are the 37 most important things that you need to implement for success and life. And we don’t just talk about relationships but we talk about health, your career, your finances, even spiritual motivation. And so, we can talk about any or all of those that you like.
Chris: Let’s talk about virtual fulfillment. This is Chris Costello reporting for Michael Senoff’s
Tamara: In my seminars I do these big venue events. We have tens of thousands of people who attend them. They are daylong events and we talk about everything. We talk about career skills, and time management, and negotiation, and persuasion. But one of the most popular parts of our seminar is when I talk about the spiritual dynamics of success. And there is a mountain of rock solid evidence that spirituality enhances your life in absolutely every area. And in fact, I was telling you earlier that at the end of every chapter of Get Motivated we give free gifts to the reader, and in chapter 16 the free gift that we give has to do with spirituality. And so, I give the reader some tips on how to increase your satisfaction in life; your personal quality of life through spirituality. And so, some of the tips that I talk about in that section have to do with integrity; never compromise your integrity! Always do what you know is right. Don’t compromise your values or principles because this is what sustains you during challenging times. I say, “Know who you are and know what you believe.” Not all of us know what we believe in spiritually and that’s fine. There’s not any shame in not knowing what you believe spiritually, but there’s no excuse for not seeking answers, for not being a seeker. And so I recommend that you investigate spiritual truths. Become biblically literate. And I experienced that as a teenager, I began reading the bible, and it really motivated me to turn my life around. Like I thought the bible would be a dusty old book and would be irrelevant, that I wouldn’t understand it. I mean I was doing drugs, I understood the bible just fine, and it really revolutionized my life! I say live it! If you don’t live your beliefs you don’t really believe them. God talk without virtuous actions is hypocrisy. You’ve got to walk the talk. And I talk about enjoying the benefits of community. Studies show that you could have better health, live longer, make more money, enjoy more satisfying relationships, have higher self-esteem, a stronger marriage, better relationships with your children, and you know what it’s all through? One simple decision! Attending the church of your faith regularly. In the bonus for chapter 16, I have a special report; it’s a 15 page special report. And you know what it is? It’s one documented medical study after another on the benefits of spirituality. It will rock your world! I’m telling you what; this whole thing on spirituality, it’s not a fuzzy feel good kind of look on religion, there are very good scientific reasons to pay attention to this most important area of your life.
Chris: You also have a section, eight ways to win in your relationships.
Tamara: Well, I want to share something really exciting with you on this topic is yesterday; I’m receiving so many emails I can hardly keep up, of people who are reading the book and applying the principles, and people telling me that they’re incomes have doubled, and they’ve started their own businesses, and they’ve lost weight, and they’ve met the man of their dreams, and I want to respond to everybody, I really do. But one that really got me excited yesterday was I received an email from a lady who had never heard of me, she’s never heard of our Get Motivated seminars, but she saw the book Get Motivated, I think she said at a Borders book store, and it looked interesting to her. And so she bought the book and so she wrote to me to give me a list of ways that this book has rocked her world. And one of the things that I found really exciting on her list was that she said that she has worked for seven years with a bossy, controlling, manipulative woman that has just made her life miserable. And everyday going to work with this woman for seven years has just been hell on earth. She just hates it. But for the first time in seven years she said, “I got your book and all of a sudden I understood what makes this lady tick.” And she said, “It was so clear, it was just all spelled out in your book. You told me how to communicate with her, how to resolve conflicts with her, how to work with her, how to bring out the best in her.” And she said yesterday, “The first day in seven years I enjoyed being with her.” And she said, “It was just amazing.” So this stuff works in relationships. Alright, the five pillars of health. Number one is energize with exercise. And my brother actually, he has lost 75 pounds over the past probably six months. And he’s an executive, he actually is the senior vice president of our company, and the guy works incredible hours and has unbelievable burdens and responsibilities. And I asked him, I said “I know that you’ve been reading the book and working with the motivational DNA technology, and you’ve lost all this weight. How did you do it?” He said, “I called a friend of mine and I asked him what do you do? You’re running a company like I am, this stress is killing me, and I’m overweight and out of shape.” And the guy told him, “I could not do what I do if I didn’t run hard every day.” So anyway, using the techniques in Get Motivated, my brother applied this and he’s now actually a marathon runner. I can’t believe it! I mean, he was chubby as a kid, he was a pudgy teenager, he was out of shape as an adult, and now I mean, he’s an athlete. It is amazing how well this stuff works. Okay, that was number one. Next is get enough sleep. We’re sleep deprived these days. And I give some suggestions on how to do that. Eat responsibly. And I talk about a concept that really helped me called, calorie bargains. And the idea with this is that you swap one food that is high in calories for something else you would enjoy just as much. So it’s not about eating rice cakes if you hate rice cakes, it’s about just making subtle, little changes. So for instance, I was doing a radio show the other day with a lady and she was drinking a coke, and she said to me, “I talk to my listeners all the time about how I’m overweight and that’s the one goal I haven’t been able to achieve.” And she says, “I drink about six of these cokes a day, I should probably give that up.”
Chris: Ouch.
Tamara: So, I said to her, “Well, even if you continued to drink five of the cokes but you just stop drinking one of them, in one year you’d drop 13 pounds. If you stop drinking two of those cokes a day, you still continue drinking the other four, but you just stop drinking two of them, you would lose 26 pounds by the end of the year. If you did nothing else differently; you don’t have to exercise.” So it’s these small changes that can add up to really dramatic results, and we want to do it in a pain free way. We don’t want to inflict so much torment on ourselves that we can’t keep it up over the long haul. I travel, I’m in different time zones all the time, I’m in different places all the time, and for years I found it so difficult to keep up on a regular exercise routine, and I would beat up on myself, which did nothing to motivate me. And so, once I realized what my motivational code is, what my motivational DNA is, and that’s what Get Motivated is all about, is cracking that code, once I unlocked that code I realized I’m a variable. My motivational type, my main primary motivational drive is variable, which means that I have a very short attention span; consistency and routine, that’s a wonderful romantic notion to me but it just doesn’t work for me. And so, I talk in the book about how now, no matter where I am, after all those decades of struggling with exercise and couldn’t do it consistently, I exercise everyday now. And you know how I do it? I do something different almost every day. One of the great things I did was I invested in a folding bicycle. They’re real popular in Europe, but over here they’re not as popular. But I bought a folding bicycle, I put it in my car, and when I’m driving home from work or driving around town, if I just see a scenic little stretch of sidewalk I can pull over, unfold that thing and one minute flat I’m off, and I get to explore, and it’s fun for me, and now exercise is fun. It’s no longer a chore. You see why I’m so excited about Get Motivated, because it really does work. And the great thing about it is it’s not just another one of these really bitter, hard to swallow pills that is so difficult for you to do. It’s an approach that honors who you are as an individual, and you get to do the things that you like, and you get results. Alright, number three; regular physical checkups. Get regular exams. It helps you spot medical conditions before symptoms appear. And fortunately the majority of diseases can be treated if they’re caught early enough. So we recommend that you have a complete physical exam along with at least one dental visit every year. Make sure that you receive all the recommended tests and procedures for your age and gender. And you know Chris, I was probably 30 years old before I had what I consider one of the great health epiphanies of my life, and here it was: My doctor really does not care about my health. My health is my responsibility. My doctor is happy to treat me. My doctor will give me a prescription and give me the test, but my doctor does not call me and say, “Tamara, how’s your blood pressure? Are you eating? Are you exercising?” So my health is my own responsibility. It’s not my doctor’s responsibility, it’s my responsibility. You often times have to tell your doctor what tests you want to take. And so, it’s easy for you to do that. You can just go online and type in “health, tests, age, gender,” and it will give you a list of the tests. Actually I should post that online because I had that originally in the book, exactly what health tests you need to take, but my publisher felt like it was maybe a little too much information. I personally think its good information. Make time for rest and relaxation. We live in a time where it’s difficult economically for people, and so many people, and I think that I’m one of them, are guilty of spinning our wheels faster if we feel like we’re not getting traction. And so, we end up working harder and sleeping less, and really wearing ourselves out but it’s counterproductive. Now this is what I call Chris, the slingshot principle. And when you have a slingshot, you put the stone in it and you pull back, it looks like in that pulling back, that you’ve lost ground. But that’s what it takes to really fly. And when we pull back from our routine a little bit, and we pull back from our lives a little bit, and make time for rest and relaxation, and just a mental break, and regrouping, it may look for the moment like we’re losing ground but that’s what we need to really fly. For more interviews on health, mind, body, and spirit, go to Michael Senoff’s
Chris: So Tamara, you got a lot of great, free things that you’re giving away. Twelve hundred dollars worth of things for people to help them get motivated. Can you describe for our listeners what things you’re giving away in the book?
Tamara: Oh absolutely! We have got so many cool gifts, and it is really excited. I said to you earlier that I never really wanted to write a book, I wanted to make a difference. And so, what we’re doing with this book, Get Motivated, is something that has never been done before in publishing history. We’re really making history with this. And that is at the conclusion of every chapter in the book, there’s 16 chapters in all, we’re giving the readers a free gift at the conclusion of every chapter. And so, the bonus items that our readers get are everything from tickets to our world famous Get Motivated seminars. They’ll get to see me speak in person, as well as numerous other amazing people. These are the living legend of our time; people who are revered in the world of sports, and business, and entertainment. And it’s a day long extravaganza. The Washington Post calls it the super bowl of success and we just receive accolades from every major media source from coast to coast. They are amazing, amazing seminars. And the seminars schedule can be found at GetMotivated.com. If you go to GetMotivated.com you can see what our seminar schedule is. When you buy the book, Get Motivated, 100 percent of the proceeds are going to children’s charities. And one of the bonuses that you get is two V.I.P. tickets to attend our Get Motivated seminars, and that puts you right up close to the stage. And that gift alone is worth six hundred dollars. And then we have all kinds of other things. We’ve got 20 bestselling book summaries on personal and professional development. We’ve got organizational forums and tools, time management tools. We’ve got seven special reports that we give to our readers; everything from health and fitness to relationships, communication, networking. Goal achievement is covered in those special reports. There are celebrity articles from people like Billy Graham, talking about leadership and Mikhail Gorbachev. These are some of the things that are drawn out of my archive of over 20 years working with the greatest leaders of our time. And the list goes on, and on, and on. We’ve got personal coaching, and we’ve got podcasts, and so much stuff. And total including the tickets and everything, it’s actually over eighteen hundred dollars worth of gifts. So that is one of the really unique features of Get Motivated. Another kind of really cool thing about this book is that Rudy Giuliani has written the forward for this book. And when my publisher asked me “Who would you like to write the forward?” Well, I’m very blessed to know the most intriguing and admired people of our time. I’ve worked with Colin Powel for 20 years; George Forman is a good friend of mine; and I’ve worked with five U.S. presidents; all kinds of Hollywood celebrities from Charlton Hesston, to Brook Shields, to Goldie Hon. You know, so many great people that I could have asked to write the forward, but hands down the first person who came to mind was Rudy Giuliani; and if anybody knows how to manage crisis, how to succeed in difficult times, its Rudy Giuliani. And he has written what I believe is the best forward for any book that I have ever seen anywhere. Just the forward alone, even if it weren’t for the terrific book, that this book genuinely is a really great book. The gifts, the giving the money to children’s charities, if it were just for the forward alone, you would get more than your money’s worth from getting Get Motivated.
Chris: So according to Tamara Lowe, what is the most important question that people need to ask themselves?
Tamara: I would be hard (Inaudible: 36:07) to come up with one definitive statement that I would say is the most important question a person could ask. But I will say this; is that it is absolutely essential that you know how you’re wired to be inspired. You have to know what your motivational code is; because once you crack that code it absolutely unlocks achievements. When managers use it employee performance sky rockets. When teachers crack the code of motivation, their students learn better and grades dramatically improve. When parents crack the code of motivation their children do better in life, they have better grades, they have better attitudes. And when you tap into your own motivational code, personal goals that were once seemingly impossible are achieved far easier than you’ve ever thought you could accomplish them. Fortunately, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what motivates you. You can do it quickly and easily. Have the computer calculate the results. Just go online to GetMotivatedBooks.com, take the test, takes you less than five minutes to do, it’s completely free, and it will tell you exactly how you can unlock the best results in your life.